Hi there,
Have you made sure that the iso you create /put on the stick is correct? I
had a few problems myself on the past where files downloaded from websites
are not exact and come back with all sorts of errors. Have you tried
another usb stick (or a cd for that matter to put the iso on?) some sticks
do not appear to function as they should if you boot from them. I will get
in contact with a guy I know (who also has a lenovo running linux so may
have come across this problem) and will reply back with any new info. But
at the moment I would try another usb stick if you can, it may solve the
On Jul 17, 2012 9:08 PM, "James Morrissey" <morrissey.jam...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Digging up an old thread as i am still trying to solve this problem.
> Hoping someone can help me update my BIOS from a live USB.
> After having these problems come back
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12106970#post12106970; i got
> the reply which falls at the bottom of the thread.
> So i am now trying to update my BIOS, from 1.15 to 1.16.
> Having tried to use the native windows client as i did last time my
> machine remains on 1.15. Getting the files for the 1.16 from here:
> http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/downloads/default.page? and following
> the instructions here:
> http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/8quj09us.txt, i
> don't get any on-screen instructions for step 14("Select 'Update
> ThinkPad BIOS' and follow the instructions on the screen.") and when i
> check system information in Win7 i still see the BIOS are 1.15.
> So now i am trying to follow the instructions for creating a live ISO
> contained here:
> http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/BIOS_Upgrade#Using_grub4dos_.28also_for_Linux.29
> .
> My sense is that it would also be good to learn how to do this update
> without windows.
> So now:
> I have formatted my pen drive to FAT32.
> sudo fdisk -l gives:
>    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sda1   *        2048     2459647     1228800    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
> /dev/sda2         2459648   109043711    53292032    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
> /dev/sda3       109045758   625141759   258048001    5  Extended
> /dev/sda5       109045760   608542719   249748480   83  Linux
> /dev/sda6       608544768   625141759     8298496   82  Linux swap /
> Solaris
> Disk /dev/sdc: 4011 MB, 4011851776 bytes
> 124 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1019 cylinders, total 7835648 sectors
> Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disk identifier: 0x0004629e
>    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sdc1   *          62     7834071     3917005    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
> Following the instruction on grub4dos
> (
> http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/BIOS_Upgrade#Using_grub4dos_.28also_for_Linux.29
> ),
> i navigate the terminal, to the gub4dos-0.4.4 folder and try:
> ~/grub4dos-0.4.4$sudo ./bootlace.com /dev/sdc1
> But i get the error:
> "Error: Invalid partition table. Must specify --floppy explicitly for
> floppy.
> BOOTLACE writes GRLDR BOOT RECORD to MBR or to the boot area of a file
> system.
> Usage:  bootlace.com  [OPTIONS]  DEVICE_OR_FILE
> Options: --read-only, --floppy[=N], --boot-prevmbr-first,
> --boot-prevmbr-last,
> --no-backup-mbr, --force-backup-mbr, --mbr-enable-floppy,
> --mbr-disable-floppy,
> --mbr-enable-osbr, --mbr-disable-osbr, --duce, --time-out=T, --hot-key=K,
> --preferred-drive=D, --preferred-partition=P, --sectors-per-track=S,
> --heads=H,
> --start-sector=B, --total-sectors=C, --install-partition=I, --lba, --chs,
> --fat12, --fat16, --fat32, --vfat, --ntfs, --ext2, --serial-number=SN,
> --restore-mbr, --mbr-no-bpb, --chs-no-tune
> DEVICE_OR_FILE: Filename of the device or image. For DOS, a BIOS drive
> number
> (in hex 0xHH or decimal DDD format)can be used to access the drive."
> I see that someone
> (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1163031.html) has
> suggested that the command should be: sudo
> /boot/Grub4DOS/stage2/bootlace.com --floppy=7 /dev/sdb7, but since i
> am worried about wiping my whole hard disk i am worried about
> experimenting (i don't want "sudo /boot/Grub4DOS/stage2/bootlace.com
> --floppy=1 /dev/sdc1" to write to sda1 as opposed to sdc1).
> I have been overwhelmed by the grub4dos readme file, so if anyone as
> any ideas on either 1) how to get grub4dos working, or 2) how i make a
> live usb from the Lenovo ISO to update my BIOS, i'd appreciate it.
> Sorry for the long and complicated issue.
> Thanks,
> j
> On 31 January 2012 21:32, James Morrissey <morrissey.jam...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for all the help on this.
> >
> > I ended up using the windows utility and the whole process was
> > painless. Instructions were here:
> > http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/8quj08us.txt
> >
> >> I've just had a look at BIOS updates for my Thinkpad Edge 11 and they're
> >> delivered as a bootable CD so there will presumably be a similar option
> for
> >> the Thinkpad X121e.
> >>
> >
> > Yes, one is available here:
> > http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/downloads/detail.page?DocID=DS019251,
> > but the windows route seemed easier.
> >
> > Thanks again.
> >
> > j
> --
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