On 17/09/12 09:01, Alan Lord (Gmail) wrote:
> On 17/09/12 00:15, Bruno Girin wrote:
>>   * Scratch: slightly upset about this one, same issue as EToys.
> Hi Bruno,
> My kids have scratch installed on their machine:
> http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Scratch_on_Linux
> "
> Debian / Ubuntu Package
> You can install the latest Scratch for Debian or Ubuntu (12.04 or
> later) using your favorite package manager provided you have
> "unsupported updates" (backports) enabled in your software sources.
> "
> Hope that helps.

Looking into it, EToys and Scratch have exactly the same problem. As
both run on the squeak-vm, I suspect that's where the problem is with
that hardware.

I'll see if I can get a version of squeak-vm that works properly.




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