On 25/09/12 09:33, Juergen Schinker wrote:
Why is there no full Transparancy about this -the more i dig the more comes out...


In a situation where there is no transparency then the more you dig nothing more comes out. What you are experiencing *is* transparency, where the more you dig the more you find out.

read the source (you do not need to understand vala to be able to read it):
https://code.launchpad.net/unity-lens-music (not new, but works exactly the same way as shopping) https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-lens-videos (not new, but works almost exactly the same way as shopping)

here is the self documenting web service they proxy through http://productsearch.ubuntu.com/
in which you can find much transparency:

This is how lenses and scopes relate to each other

That documentation includes information on default searches and how lens specific searches and the global search results are formed. The only thing that I do not think has published and transparent source code is the web service.


I work at http://libertus.co.uk


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