On 13/10/12 20:13, Mark Einon wrote:

I can recommended novatech...uk based with some outlet stores, they sell bare 
systems but at a reduced price from the win versions. They're worth a look...

I have bought a number of machines over the years from Novatech, for this reason. However, even though they offer machines with no OS installed, they do nothing to verify that the hardware is compatible with Ubuntu of whichever version. They cannot even guarantee that the on board chips, camera, whatever, will remain the same from batch to batch. May not change, but they cannot be sure. However, they have various stores, and in my experience, by arrangement, they will happily run their own Ubuntu live system media (or maybe possibly yours) on your chosen hardware. Some retail days are busier than others - so expect to use a non busy time. Unless they know you well, they will probably want to have a staff member with you - after all, it is their kit until you buy it.....

alan cocks


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