On 01/02/13 19:28, Paula Graham wrote:
So, less confusingly chatty recap: 1. find and download the driver 2. change to driver's folder in a terminal 3. sudo make 4. sudo make-install 5. sudo modprobe [module ID] Paula

Paula .... Thanks for talking this one through in such detail. I've saved it for future reference. I know what you mean about the problems getting the driver in the first place. A couple or three years ago I bought a wifi dongle and had to compile a module. There were four different drivers I found on the internet for this chipset, and only one of them worked. Next kernel update, the module would not compile because of a deprecated function that had been removed in a GCC update so I had to re-write a couple of lines in the source. The following kernel update incorporated the wifi chipset so I haven't had to bother since, but it was a pain at the time.

Regards,        Barry

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


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