Hi Dave,

Thanks for getting back to me.

This may work flawlessly.  However (and it's a big however) it may not.
To combat this I would suggest that before you did anything you back
up your systems and ensure you have install mediums for both windows 7
and Ubuntu. This would at least mean that the systems can be
reinstalled and your data retrieved if the worst should happen. combat this
I would suggest that before you did anything you back
up your systems and ensure you have install mediums for both windows 7
and Ubuntu. This would at least mean that the systems can be
reinstalled and your data retrieved if the worst should happen.
- This is frustrating as all my install media are packed in a box which is
being shipped from overseas.

 I would also suggest though that if you had no issues on Quantal but
are in Raring that it may be a kernel issue.  Just because it is
stable for everyone else doesn't mean it is for that particular
machine,  So I would file a bug first and see if there is any news
from that before you go all kung-fu on the bios/uefi system.
"ubuntu-bug linux" in a terminal will file most of the information on
a kernel bug for you.
- I thought as much, but the first instruction under filling bugs is that
you update your BIOS (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs)

Anyway, i have now filed a bug (

If anyone has any other advice i'd welcome it.


On 29 April 2013 13:21, Dave Morley <davm...@davmor2.co.uk> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 29/04/13 12:04, James Morrissey wrote:
> This may work flawlessly.  However (and it's a big however) it may not.
> To combat this I would suggest that before you did anything you back
> up your systems and ensure you have install mediums for both windows 7
> and Ubuntu. This would at least mean that the systems can be
> reinstalled and your data retrieved if the worst should happen.
> Ubuntu 64 bit supports both UEFI and secureboot so in theory there
> should be no issues there.  However grub is used differently in uefi
> than it is on a normal system and you would need an efi entry for
> Ubuntu and for windows 7 so efi acts as your os selector rather than grub.
> In saying all that it may work out of the box and you notice no real
> different because efi also has a bios compatibility mode,called
> legacy, that the system may enable by default and you be none the
> wiser for it.
> I would also suggest though that if you had no issues on Quantal but
> are in Raring that it may be a kernel issue.  Just because it is
> stable for everyone else doesn't mean it is for that particular
> machine,  So I would file a bug first and see if there is any news
> from that before you go all kung-fu on the bios/uefi system.
> "ubuntu-bug linux" in a terminal will file most of the information on
> a kernel bug for you.
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