On 11/06/13 09:20, Simon Greenwood wrote:
it isn't going to change.

It will change if people act to encourage and promote change.

The library now using Open Office not MS is the same one which displayed my FLOSS leaflets regularly over the previous 2 years. Maybe they actually read them?

Money talks. Or the lack of it. Central Government is doing a lot more with open source philosophy, and standards. Libraries are closing. Schools are under pressure. There is a lot of change about to happen, much of it I suggest is unpredictable.

After years of displaying at my local Computer Fair I notice that few people now need to ask what (Ubuntu) is, they know. One of the traders at the fair is even selling my DIY CDs of Ubuntu at another Fair he attends. A local trader in town is interested in selling Ubuntu on some of his second hand laptops. He has shown it to several customers, who were, he said, pretty surprised at how good it was.

I think much change has already happened.
Android is eating other companies' lunches, Chromebooks are looking very strong and simple. I went to help a person recently, but found he was very happily stuck, in Windows. However, he was desperate to buy a chromebook, for its simplicity.

alan cocks


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