Hi Mike,

On 29 April 2014 01:21, Mike Hingley <computa_m...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking about the U1 close down, and I got to thinking about Iain
> Farrell's post on design.canonical.com :
> http://design.canonical.com/2011/10/so-youve-decided-to-make-an-ubuntu-promotional-video/
> in this post Iain provides some resources - unfortunately these are sitting
> on Ubuntu One storage, and will ultimately disappear.
> The link for the resource in question if you're interested is :
> http://ubuntuone.com/1UtWyqSmCXQy3bs3ijTwck

I've pinged Iain this thread so he can find somewhere else for it and
get the post updated.

> So I was wondering if we could use Google to identify pages where there a
> links in the form of http://ubuntuone.com/<stuff> and flag those pages as
> potentially broken when Ubuntu One goes kaput.

Some turn up with this. Probably easier for people who runs the
various domains to search for ubuntuone links though.




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