Hey folks --

I've been thinking about this for a while. As someone who used to work
on Apple higher education marketing and a big fan of Guy Kawasaki, I
think there are a lot of things that are possible.

Probably we are talking about two things:

1) Advocacy/marketing to possible new users.

2) Maintenance and building enthusiasm of existing users.

Frankly, I've never seen anyone in the Linux world really attack
evangelical marketing, with the exception of Ubuntu's early days. I
think those days we saw what was possible, and if Canonical is Apple to
Red Hat's IBM, that's not such a bad thing.

The thing is, user groups are great, but they can't really exist without
a coordinated marketing effort from the mothership. It was that way with
Apple ages ago (and we're talking about the Amilio days, so they were

I attended the 14.10 launch party at the Lion and Unicorn, and there was
only one person there who didn't come with me (hey, Avi!). So I don't
think that one goes in the win section. Surely, in Canonical's HQ city,
we might do a little better?

So, to try and make things shorter, yes, I think we should do something,
and yes, I would love to be involved (as long as people don't mind). But
I think we need to be continually reminded to be more open, more
welcoming, and more visible. How, exactly, we do that is an interesting
question -- what does Canonical (offically) say?

Kind regards,


On 04/12/14 13:57, Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to kick off a thread about "rebooting" the team. We have
> discussions on the list, an active IRC channel, regular beer-related
> celebrations and a podcast in its 7th year, but not a lot else (unless
> I'm mistaken?) done as team effort.
> So I wanted to start an open discussion here based on my assertion
> that the team (such as it is) is currently somewhat moribund, and
> needs a boot up the arse for 2015.
> The questions I have are:-
> a) Do you agree?
> b) What shall we do about it?
> In my mind I'd like to see us doing more in the way of advocacy, event
> organising/attending, code jams, support and so on. We could all do
> this individually or we could do it co-ordinated as a team. I'd prefer
> the latter.
> Discuss. :)
> Cheers,
> Al.


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