On Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:36:17 +0100
Alan Lord <alansli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There's also a convenient Thunderbird plugin to help you configure
> and maintain your scripts from your Desktop.
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/addon/sieve/
> Al
> On 23/08/15 15:47, Dave Morley wrote:
> > Dovecote.sieve filtering mail server side, it's easy, it's fast and
> > done by the server, how the hell did I not know about this before ?
> >

Nice one Alan, Turns out though I need to wait till wily for 3.12
release of claws-mail to get that plugin for me :)  Stopped using
thunderbird when it start marking all my mail as spam, but I guess I
can possibly use that again now if I so wanted :)

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