Update: Turns out it works as is! MapServer is serving up MrSID images through MapServer as expected. I had mis-configured MapServer. I am transitioning from Windows based MapServer to Linux, so that is presenting its own set of issues and tripped me up.

Still curious about that error message in the apache error log files though. Also curious whether there is going to be a GDAL 1.10 PPA for Precise and a libgdal-mrsid for Precise soon, etc.


On 12/31/2013 12:45 PM, Brian May wrote:

I've been trying off and on for a week to first get GDAL going with MrSID support and then Mapserver. I managed to get GDAL configured with MrSID by compiling from source. I had to go down that road because I am running Precise and libgdal-mrsid is not available for Precise.

So I then installed Mapserver 6.2 from Ubuntu GIS unstable. However, when I access the mapserv cgi I get this in my log file: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv: /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmapserver-6.2.1.so)

I tried just basic WMS GetCapabilities to test a map file and get no output from MapServer due to this error.

I did some research on this error and the best I could come up with is Frank W pointing out that you should either use packages or compile everything from source. http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/ticket/191

I also see references to people using a GDAL PPA but compiling the mrsid plugin for GDAL - I haven't tried that yet.

Before I go any further I'd like to get an opinion of whether there is a simple fix for the current problem, OR do I need to compile everything from source in order to get GDAL w/ MrSID, MapServer etc to work together, OR should I try compiling the plugin, OR is there an imminent package release of libgdal-mrsid for precise, OR am I missing the boat completely?



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