On 10/19/2015 10:51 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
I'd like the OpenStreetMap community to also benefit from the better
maintenance of the Debian packaging for their software, but the OSM
community has standardized on Ubuntu LTS so they cannot benefit from
improved situation in Debian directly (e.g. using the backports),
UbuntuGIS is an obvious choice to service this need for Ubuntu LTS users.

I wouldn't say we've standardized on Ubuntu LTS so much as we consider having a recent version packaged for it is important, just like Homebrew for OS X[1]. Neither myself nor the other maintainer use Ubuntu as our main development environment, and one of us uses Debian. The issue is a common response to tickets is to tell someone to use a more recent version, and having to tell people they need to build from source is a complication I'd like to avoid when writing documentation.

With the possible exception of nightly dev builds, I don't want to package osm2pgsql, but I will if no one else does.

I didn't initially consider UbuntuGIS because the PPA seems inactive, with 1 package uploaded this year.

[1]: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/pull/42663
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