On Monday 25 June 2007 19:10:15 Denis Vlasenko wrote:
> > Then I compensate for the fact that gcc's path logic is DEEPLY BROKEN
> > with a wrapper script and moving paths around and generally hitting the
> > sucker with a large rock for being STUPID.
> LOL :). Dunno, for me gcc is finding right stuff (after much searching in
> strange and weird, but nonexistent locations
> (../bin/lib/../../lib/bin/..)). I just try to not think about unnecessary
> searches ATM.

It can be made the work that way, sure.  And if anything goes wrong it falls 
back to the default locations like /usr/include and sucks in your host 
compiler's #includes and libraries.  Which gives very misleading errors that 
take some head scratching to figure out.  (Such as "it built fine, why is it 
using the wrong signal numbers?")

The sysroot stuff addresses some, but not all of this.

> > Then I get around to installing the kernel headers because uClibc needs
> > them (nothing before this did), and then I build uClibc which needs all
> > of the above.
> This is what I do too, in fact I was always doing it this way for cross.
> I guess I joined the fun at a stage when cross-compiling toolchains are
> already debugged well enough to mostly work for many arches. How many
> man-years were spent in order to get here, I dare not think.

Let's see, I spent about one, and I was learning from multiple people who'd 
personally spent about four each on it.  And before that I was banging on 
various incarnations of the uClibc toolchain going back to...  2003, maybe?

Yup, 2003.  And even then, I wanted to understand what it was actually doing 
and do it myself...

Note, due to the end of the month the thread continues at:

Plus all the code sourcery guys have been banging on it for a longish time 
too.  And before that, Cygnus...

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code."
  - Ken Thompson.
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