On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:20:13PM -0400, Robin Getz wrote:
> I think this is pretty common with many open source tools. Every distribution 
> maintainer wants to make a tweak - and not always sends it upstream. When 
> they do send it upstream - the patch can be rejected by the mainline 
> maintainer - due to a variety of reasons... 

Yes, but in each case there is still a version it is based on, plus some
identifiable patches.

> For example - there is a huge difference between a RedHat kernel, and 
> kernel.org. Most Debian userspace packages are heavily patched - yeah, it 
> kind of stinks - but that is what "diff" is for....

No, that's what the seperately provided patches are for.

> It is not a mess - it is just the way it is...

elf2flt is actually rather unique that way.  It isn't a specific known
version, with local patches.  There is no released version at all.
There are no patches.  Just dozens of unique variations.

> elf2flt is maintained by David McCullough - mainline is at:
> http://cvs.uclinux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/elf2flt/
> Releases are done as part of the uClinux-dist

OK, news to me.  Nothing ever seems to mention that.  What are the
chances this bugfix from the blackfin edition has been submitted to
uclinux's tree then?

> I think the big difference is that binutils, gcc, linux kernel, uClibc, 
> busybox, etc are all huge projects with _many_ maintainers for each project.

And releases that you can actually refer to.

> elf2flt is a small (but critical) project - where all the burden falls on one 
> person (who is also busy with other open source responsibilities - as well a 
> real life). 

It would probably actually be less work if it was possible to talk about
specific releases of it, and hence fix bugs.  Releasing it as part of
a large collection of other things is note a release.  uclinux-dist is
a collection of things that should work together.  Each of the pieces
has seperate releases, except elf2flt for some reason.

Len Sorensen
uClibc mailing list

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