i need your help to port ez328mon to palm105 (that is equipped with mc68ez328)

68EZ328 Monitor Program
Version 0.04
Feb 29, 2000

This is a monitor program that runs on the 68EZ328 CPU.  It
requires a version of m68k-coff-gcc to compile, but if you
don't need to recompile you can use the supplied binary,
_Make sure_ to look at the code in board.ld and board-init.S!
This defines the memory and peripherals connected to your CPU.
Unless your memory configuration is just like mine (2meg flash,
8meg DRAM, same timings, etc...) you WILL need to recompile!

It does:
        program and erase flash memory
        transfer s-records and binary files at up to 115kbps
        allow you to test your hardware
        use interrupt-driven buffered serial I/O
        use interrupt-driver PWM sound playing

It does not:
        run from flash memory
        have very good applications


compiling sources, i find error with board.ld

m68k-elf-ld: section .rodata [00000000 -> 00000923] overlaps section .text 
[00000400 -> 00002965]
make: *** [monitor.o] Error 1
lcd.o libgcc.a -o monitor.o

m68k-elf-ld -T board.ld board-init.o main.o ez328serial.o ez328sound.o 
simplestring.o memory.o dump.o srecord.o time.o binary.o lcd.o libgcc.a -o 
m68k-elf-ld: section .rodata [00000000 -> 00000923] overlaps section .text 
[00000400 -> 00002965]
make: *** [monitor.o] Error 1

has somebody ported ez328 mon to palm m105 ?
could somebody understand how to fix the problem ?


this is the board.ld (linker script)
        romvec : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x400
        flash  : ORIGIN = 0x10000400, LENGTH = 0x200000 - 0x400
        eflash : ORIGIN = 0x00800000, LENGTH = 1
        ramvec : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x400
        ram    : ORIGIN = 0x00000400, LENGTH = 0x800000 - 0x400
        eram   : ORIGIN = 0x00800000, LENGTH = 1

        .romvec :
        _romvec = . ;
        } > romvec
        .text :
        text_start = . ;
        _etext = . ;
        __data_rom_start = ALIGN ( 4 ) ;
        } > ram
        .eflash :
        _flashend = . ;
        } > eflash
        .ramvec :
        _ramvec = . ;
        } > ramvec
        .data :
        __data_start = . ;
        _edata = . ;
        edata = ALIGN( 0x10 ) ;
        } > ram
        .bss :
        __bss_start = ALIGN( 0x10 ) ;
        __data_end = ALIGN( 0x10 ) ;
        end = ALIGN( 0x10 ) ;
        _end = ALIGN( 0x10 ) ;
        } > ram
        .eram :
        _ramend = . ;
        } > eram

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