Dear all,
I have search the solution for this problem about 2 months...
Here is my environment:

arm-linux-tools-20070808.tar.gz fownloaded from

uClinux Distribution:
uClinux-dist-20080808.tar.gz downloaded from

Now I got stuck on the booting after /bin/init running. Seems the init
launch the sash shell and then do_rc in the /etc/rc in the romfs. After
first command "hostname XXXX" executed, the program counter goes some
invalid place. I am using the non-XIP version of kernel. I did some trial as
1. replace the first command as "ls /bin" or "cat /etc/motd", the main
function of them works well but the platform dead after return.
2. I download the romfs "romfs.2.4.x" from
 The OS start and I see the promt!!!
3. I use the arm-linux-flthdr to check the binary in "romfs.2.4.x" every
bFlt in /bin has the header below:
    Magic:        bFLT
    Rev:          4
    Build Date:   not specified
    Entry:        0x50
    Data Start:   0x3050
    Data End:     0x33b0
    BSS End:      0x48b0
    Stack Size:   0x1000
    Reloc Start:  0x33b0
    Reloc Count:  0x94
    Flags:        0x1 ( Load-to-Ram )
4. I also check the binaries in my romfs directory, evey bFlt in
romfs/bin has the header below:
    Magic:        bFLT
    Flags:        0x2 ( Has-PIC-GOT )
5. modifying the "vendors/config/armnommu/config.arch" to make the LDFLAGS+=
-Wl,-elf2flt="-r", the build result of the romfs bFlt as below:
    Magic:        bFLT
    Flags:        0x3 ( Load-to-Ram Has-PIC-GOT )
  The romfs still made my platform dead in nasty place.
6. I have trace many discussion, some kind like "arm-linux-flthdr -r
romfs/init", the result is the same as trial number 5.

How can I build the romfs with the bFlt in pure "Load-to-Ram"(aka the

Many thanks for any idea and replying.

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