
We have run into an issue with the bootlogo using a Freescale M5328 processor 
and a 2.6-based kernel, and I thought this might be a good place to get an idea 
of what we may be able to do.  First, a little history.

Back in the 2.4 kernel, with a Motorola DragonBall processor, some assembly 
code was used to load a splash screen bootlogo.  As near as I can tell, this 
assembly code was executed right away, before early calls in the boot process 
like start_kernel(), setup_arch(), config_BSP(), etc.  I am not entirely 
certain of that because in researching it, I don't see any indication of where 
the assembly code gets invoked, but because the bootlogo comes up right away 
upon power-on I have reason to believe it gets executed right away.

I know that in 2.6, there is C code in the kernel that loads a bootlogo.  Where 
we first ran into a problem with this is that there doesn't appear to be any 
support for a 2 bit per pixel (bpp) image.  All of our application software 
runs on 2 bpp, so the options for other bpp settings don't work for us.  We 
looked into modifying the pnmtologo program source to generate code for 2 bpp 
to be used in the driver implementation of the logo, but that didn't work out 
as we had hoped.

In light of this, we tried using a hack to load a generated image at various 
points in the boot process, notably just after the frame buffer driver has been 
initialized as well as when we load an LCD module we developed.  While the 
bootlogo appears on the screen and looked crisp and clean, there's another 
issue: time.  It seems to take about 15 seconds to load on the screen from when 
the device is powered on, which is a little too long as you might imagine.  We 
would like to get this on the screen within a couple of seconds if we can't get 
it up right away.

Interestingly, it seems to take about as much time to load an image via the 
logo code in the driver.  Yesterday I configured it to use an image via the 
driver and saw it show up about 15 seconds after power on, so from a time 
standpoint that doesn't work well for us.

This leaves us in a bind as to what we can do.  I have done the equivalent of 
the assembly code used for the DragonBall for the M5328, but am not sure where 
I would put it or how I would invoke it, hence the code just sits idly in an 
unused file.  That was done before we realized the 2.6 kernel has the 
aforementioned logo driver code for this and before we realized we had an issue 
with using a 2 bpp image.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be especially welcome.  My hope is that we're 
not stuck having to live with a long time before a logo comes up or having to 
re-write the application software for something other than 2 bpp.

Phil Kasiecki
Software Engineer

Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Franklin, MA 02038

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