
Billy wrote:
> I've just got udmsearch going and started to index
> some sites, however things did not go as planned and I
> had to drop table dict in mysql to stop udmsearch in
> midstream (you guys know a better way? - I'm keen to
> learn) 

Press Ctrl-C

> What is crc in url table for?

It is to eliminate the same documents, for example such things
like mirrors, etc.

> Can I use "include servers.conf" or similar to include
> a list of servers into the main conf file to make
> maintainance easier?

Yes, take a look in indexer.conf-dist. There are explanations of
all available commands.

> How do I get rid of the crappy text colum in url
> because it really sucks... who wants to see:
> Wednesday, January 05 About Advertising Forums Contact
> Customize Downloads Links News Letter News Archive
> #
> ...as a summary of a document? Is there any way to
> improve that?

If you are indexing your own site, you can change the top of document
if User-Agent is UdmSearch. But if it is not your site, I have no idea
how to do it better.

> How do I improve the search results by changing
> relevance of title and body etc... how effective
> actually is this technique?

Take a look in indexer.conf-dist

> Is it possable to stop the indexer from indexing
> stupid and irrelivant words like "the, it, to, and,
> we"
> etc etc. Is this what "stopwords" is for and if so how
> do I use it?

Yes. It is explained in INSTALL file in the top of UdmSearch

> Is it really neccasary to have a word list of about
> 250,000 in table dict from just ONE site!?
What do you mean?

> Why do I get no description and no or only a few
> keywords in the respective colums? Are these for meta
> tags?
Yes, for META tags.

> How do I index only certain parts of a site and not
> others?

Use Allow/Disallow indexer.conf commands. Those are explained in

> Why if I type www.testdomain.com/ as a server will it
> only index index.html or the first page?
May be there are not links to this server from index.html

> Does followoutside no/yes mean follow outside / on the
> server or follow outside the server completely to a
> whole seperate domain?

> Maxhops does not seem to work. I had set it to 256 and
> it went on for longer than that.

MaxHops is a way in "mouse-clicks" from the first page to current one.
256 is VERY big number. Note that it does not mean "the total number of
wich is may be considerably bigger.

Alexander Barkov
IZHCOM, Izhevsk
email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | http://www.izhcom.ru
Phone:    +7 (3412) 51-55-45 | Fax: +7 (3412) 78-70-10
ICQ:      7748759
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