UdmSearch version: 3.0.15
Platform:          P-III 800 256 RAM 30 gig HHD
OS:                Linux-Mandrake 7
Database:          MySQL 3.22.32
Statistics:        633138

I did a search for 'page' on my site that
brought back over 89,000 results. It 
brought it back quick, but on the first
page, it only showed one result and then
it said I got 89,000 results. Everything
else showed up fine (ie the next link and
the page result number links).
This was also done with other words that 
brought back a lot of results. Either
result page one show one or no results at
        My box is behind a firewall and therefore
it will impossible for you to test unless we
do it thru icq or something.. :-) 

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