On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Vlad Pinzhenin wrote:

> Please, tell me what algorithm is used for conformity calculation,
> for example: 
> i search word "test", one site (SITE_B) has all weights (body,key 
> etc.) = 100, onother one (SITE_A) has only 1.
> i indexed both of this sites, but in results page site with weghts
> 1 is higher then my favour site with weight 100 
> (in my case SITE_A contain word "test" 20 times, on SITE_B word 
> "test" can be found only ones).
> my question is: what formula is used to calculate the position 
> the link on the resilts page, 
> i feel that it must be something like:  k = (WORDS_IN_INDEX * 
> WEIGHT) , sites with bigger k are higher, isn't it ?

The frequency of the words is *not* taken into account.  You can set the
weights of words found in different parts of a document (title, url, body,
keyword, etc.) in indexer.conf.  The position of a document in search
results is determined by the total score of the document based on the
weights in indexer.conf.

Steven Werby {[EMAIL PROTECTED]}

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