I use UDMSEARCH as part of a mailing list archive.  Basically the email
comes into the server where MHONARC converts it to HTML and puts it into a
directory based on the year.  I manually indexed all of the archives with
the indexer.conf file listed below.

How do I use the indexer to add new files to UDMSEARCH without having to
reindex while directories?

Will the messages in the archive expire and get removed from the index?  How
do I prevent this from happening?

Any help would be appreciated.


DBHost  localhost
DBName  udmsearch
DBUser  udm
DBPass  indexer

DBMode  crc

Robots  no
Follow  yes

Allow   msg.*\.html$ \/$

Disallow *.

Period  604800

Server  http://www.shadow-lands.com/sml/2000/
Server  http://www.shadow-lands.com/sml/1999/
Server  http://www.shadow-lands.com/sml/1998/
Server  http://www.shadow-lands.com/sml/1997/

If you want to unsubscribe send "unsubscribe udmsearch"

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