
Is it possible, that UdmSearch's indexer consumes CPU while
it launches an external parser?
I have a lot of pdf files and index them using ps2ascii which is part
of ghostscript.
When I start top, I see this:

26360 indexer   14   0  3608 3608  1536 R       0 46.5  2.8   0:55 gs
25681 indexer   12   0 19468  19M   792 R       0 45.9 15.2 110:23 indexer

I am using UdmSearch 3.0.17. Sorry to report this on such an old
version. Probably you already fixed it. I am only running one thread,
so I really dont see why indexer should consume CPU while launching
an external parser.

Or does it index stdout in real-time ? That would make sense...

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