> I have several udmsearch indexes (several mysql dbs) that I would like to
search using just one interface. I would like the user to be able to do one
search and have the system scan through all of the indexes.
> Is there a method in place for doing this? Or do I need to go in and
heavily modify the query sections of the php frontend...
> I cannot have just one index for all the of the data. I have tried that
and once the db gets over 600 megs things start slowing down considerably. I
am indexing aprox 60 gigs of local files and have broken them up into groups
for indexing to keep the db sizes down.

PHP front-end uses tmp  table to store results before final sort and output
the result.
It is theoretically not so hard to search through several databases and
store all results
into that table.  But this is not implemented.

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