
Take a look at these stats. I think something is not right with the cache
It takes up a lot of space, and indexer reports very few indexed
documents. I think I will erase var/tree and start from scratch.

Teofilis Martisius

          UdmSearch statistics

    Status    Expired      Total
         0      66536      66895 Not indexed yet
       200          0      17171 OK
       301          0        165 Moved Permanently
       302          0       5765 Moved Temporarily
       400          0          2 Bad Request
       401          0         65 Unauthorized
       403          0         22 Forbidden
       404          0        208 Not found
       500          0          4 Internal Server Error
       503          0        207 Service Unavailable
       504          0          2 Gateway Timeout
       505          0          6 Protocol Version Not Supported
     Total      66536      90512

ledas:/usr/local/udmsearch/var# pwd; du -sk tree
809608  tree

mysql> select sum(docsize) from url;
| sum(docsize) |
|    249966180 |

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