Joe Frost wrote:
> I have UDMSearch installed on an old P166/64MB and after experiencing
> problems with DBMode cache (I will get you some debug info from my test
> server Alexander), I decided to configure the server to use DBMode
> crc-multi.
> Once I had indexed my 100,000 documents I was getting search times of 3
> minutes for a three word query :o( so I had a look at the
> performance.txt file included with 3.1.7, originally written by Randy
> I decided to try it out and had a look through some of the docs on the
> MySQL site and eventually came up with a script to optimise the tables
> and the same search now takes about 4 seconds :o)
> The script has only been used on RedHat 6.2 / UDMSearch 3.1.7 / MySQL
> 3.22.23 but if you want to use it then feel free....

Thanks for this script!

What is the idea of this part of the script?  
I realize that start/stop is for safe isamchk running.
But why do you want to run it?

>                 # Flush the tables
>                 $BINPATH/mysqladmin flush-tables
>                 # Disable indexes
>                 $BINPATH/isamchk --keys-used=0 -rq
>                 # Restart the database server
>                 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop
>                 sleep 5
>                 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
>                 sleep 5
>                 # Load the sorted text file into the table
>                 echo "LOAD DATA INFILE '$DATAPATH/ndict$' INTO
>                 # Restart the database server
>                 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop
>                 sleep 5
>                 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
>                 sleep 5
>                 # Rebuild indexes
>                 $BINPATH/isamchk -r -q $DATAPATH/$DATANAME/ndict$TABLE
>                 # Flush the tables
>                 $BINPATH/mysqladmin flush-tables
>                 # Delete the sorted text file
>                 rm -f $DATAPATH/ndict$
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