Hi All,

Just a few thoughts to throw around - currently I am running the search to a MySQL 
backend which is a Sun Ultra 10 (Single UltraSpar 440M CPU) with 1 Gig Ram and 18Gig 
of drive space ....

If I login to the mysql server and connect to the database and perform a search on the 
word test - using the crc-multi indexed data and the sql command:

select * from ndict4 where (word_id='-662733300');
i get: 6844 rows in set (30.97 sec)
and searching a 2nd time: 6844 rows in set (10.05 sec)
ndict4 contains 2051909 rows

if I then search on: 'customer' [select * from ndict6 where (word_id='-175892837');]
the result is: 2264 rows in set (7.51 sec)
then: 2264 rows in set (3.15 sec)
ndict6 contains 1415176 rows

TO me this seems an awfully long time to perform searches (especially on 1 word) - the 
mysql server has been tuned roughly and currently consumes 400M of Physical RAM, and 
there are 95000ish documents in the database - consuming 933M of disk...

1/ would it appear that I need to tune the MySQL server further?
2/ are these search times extended or do they seem ok?
3/ is there anyway of speeding the searches up?

Using UltraSeek on the same words, the results are gathered and rendered in under 1 
second (the logs report the queries takes 350ms)



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