Até onde sei, Carlos, ele escreveu o livro com Richard C. Hoagland  manager da 
INTERPRISEMISSION. Estou procurando mais sobre o assunto. Este material todo eu 
tenho guardado numa coleção da Revista Planeta que foi editado nos anos 80 em 
seis fascículos, juntamente com 6 fitas de video, onde aparecem algumas 
personagens famosas como Thomas Beerden, Butlar etc...
  Abaixo, colei o seguinte material que encontrei:
              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/30/07 - 1
  Contact Phone:  (310) 701-3152
  NASA Cover-Ups Continue… 
  NASA Dismisses Former Apollo Photo and Data Manager from JPL Educational 
  Missing Apollo Data to be Shown at National Press Club Briefing Today, Oct. 
30, 2007 
  Dr. Ken Johnston, former Manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at 
NASA’s Lunar Receiving Laboratory during NASA’s manned Apollo Lunar Program, 
was abruptly terminated Tuesday morning, October 23rd, from JPL’s prestigious 
“Solar System Ambassador” (SSA) Program. 
  All evidence of Dr. Johnston’s exemplary 4-year participation in the NASA 
outreach effort to “communicate the importance of NASA aerospace programs to 
the public around the world” has been scrubbed from the official JPL SSA 
website, without formal notification of Dr. Johnston as to cause. 
  Johnston is a key participant in today's Enterprise Mission press briefing at 
the National Press Club in Washington, DC (Zenger Room, 9:00 AM). At that time, 
Johnston will reveal how NASA ordered him to destroy key Apollo lunar images 
and data more than 40 years ago, rather than allow them to be preserved for 
academic and public study. 
  Johnston will testify how he disobeyed these NASA orders, secretly preserving 
the critical Apollo images—and the never-officially-published lunar discoveries 
recorded on them. According to AP, NASA is currently embroiled in a similar 
controversy with Congress because of the agency’s planned destruction of 
supporting data from a recent aviation safety study. 
  Johnston’s startling Apollo allegations have recently appeared in a new book, 
“Dark Mission: the Secret History of NASA,” co-authored by former NASA 
consultant and CBS Science Advisor, Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara, an 
aerospace engineering consultant. 
  According to Kay Ferrari, JPL Director of the SSA Program (in a phone call to 
Johnston last week), it was Johnston “being quoted [as] criticizing NASA in 
Hoagland’s new book, ‘Dark Mission,’” that prompted her to ask for Johnston’s 
resignation from the SSA Program. 
  When Johnston refused, citing First Amendment protections of free speech 
afforded all NASA employees, even those at JPL, Ferrari apparently decided to 
remove him arbitrarily from the SSA Program this week -- without cause. 
  JPL’s ultimate decision to fire Dr. Johnston was initiated, according to 
Ferrari’s phone call, “by an initial inquiry to JPL from James Oberg, of NBC 
News.” Oberg is a former NASA contractor and a colleague of Johnston’s at 
NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center during the Apollo Program in the 1970’s. 
According to Ferrari, Oberg, in his e-mails, raised “serious issues regarding 
Johnston’s credentials” and his “crackpot accusations” against the agency. 
  Oberg’s NASA contractor history begs ethical questions regarding his efforts 
to get Johnston terminated, based on Johnston’s testimony in “Dark Mission” and 
intention to present further “missing” Apollo images and data at the National 
Press Club.
  Dr. Johnston will present documentation of his claims, credentials and key 
role at NASA in today's briefing.
  - 0 -

  Contact Phone:  (310) 701-3152
  Dear Colleague,
  My name is Cheryll Jones, former news anchor at CNN.
  I have a news alert I think you, as a member of fourth estate in these very 
troubled times, will appreciate.  
  Think of it as a “heads up” on what might become one of the most important 
stories of the coming months.  
  At 9:00 AM, Tuesday, October 30, 2007, at the National Press Club in 
Washington DC, The Enterprise Mission – a private research and public policy 
group – will hold a press briefing in the NPC Zenger Room.  
  The subject: Why is NASA Determined to Launch Space Shuttle “Discovery” 
October 23rd, Despite NASA Engineering and Safety Center Warnings NOT to 
  Has NASA Learned NOTHING from the Previous Schedule-Driven Disasters of 
Challenger and Columbia?  
  Are Classified NASA Lunar Findings Secretly Pressuring the Aging Shuttle 
Program to Completion by 2010, to Make Way for “Constellation” -- and the New 
“Space Race” to the Moon?  
  Japan is currently in lunar orbit with the most sophisticated lunar mission 
since Apollo. China is about to launch a major unmanned lunar mission, on 
October 24th.  In April, 2008 India will launch its first comprehensive 
unmanned lunar mission.  And, Russia recently announced its own ambitious lunar 
plans -- for not only sending cosmonauts to the Moon by 2025, but establishment 
of a permanent moonbase soon after.  
  All this on the heels of President George W. Bush’s own “Vision for Space 
Exploration” (VSE) – his sudden decision to “return Americans to manned lunar 
exploration” … made inexplicably, in the middle of his war.  
  Why this abrupt international focus on a 21st Century Moon Program -- after 
over 30 years of the Moon being totally ignored?  Did Apollo find “something” 
of major importance on the Moon, which NASA just forgot to tell the rest of us? 
  And is this somehow connected with NASA’s inexplicable urgency to launch 
Discovery “on schedule,” despite the safety issues?  The October 30th NPC 
briefing will present startling answers to these major public policy questions 
– which could significantly affect the future of the VSE and NASA.
  Leading the briefing will be Richard C. Hoagland: former NASA consultant; CBS 
News Science Advisor during the Apollo lunar missions; co-author of “Dark 
Mission: The Secret History of NASA” (currently #1 on Amazon’s list for 
“Astronomy,” and “Space Science”); and head of The Enterprise Mission.  Ken 
Johnston, former NASA Manager of the Data and Photo Control Department of 
NASA’s Lunar Receiving Laboratory at MSC during the Apollo Program, will 
present supporting NASA documentation.
  According to The Enterprise Mission:
  This is an era of increasing concern for ever more government secrecy and 
expanding classification. Hoagland and Johnston will demonstrate that this 
“less than forthright NASA decision-making” actually began a long time ago. 
  Citing specifics from the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, 
Hoagland will present startling evidence that, contrary to assumptions made by 
politicians, members of the press and public for almost half a century, NASA is 
NOT a “civilian” space agency, but is in fact “a defense agency of the United 
  As a tax-supported federal institution, NASA’s 1958 Congressional charter 
specifically instructs “Sec. 205 … (d) no [NASA] information which has been 
classified for reasons of national security shall be included in any [NASA] 
report made under this section [of the Act] …” [Emphasis added].
  So, what criteria does NASA apply to classifying its scientific or 
engineering information?  And, what major NASA discoveries have never been 
reported – either to the Congress, the American people or the press -- because 
of NASA’s legal ability to lie?  And why could these now be politically 
significant …?
  Says Hoagland “the evidence that NASA is something other than the ‘benevolent 
civilian science institution’ it has pretended to be for 50 years, is as 
overwhelming now as it is disturbing.  
  It is this ‘dark mission,’ allowing the president to legally classify NASA’s 
most important scientific and technological findings without even other NASA 
scientists or engineers, or Congress, the press or the American people becoming 
aware, which we contend is now impelling this new 21st Century Space Race.
  A Race whose outcome – unlike the first US/USSR race for ‘mere’ political 
prestige 50 years ago -- will literally shape the life of every human being now 
alive on Earth, through the startling technological discoveries we have 
evidence that NASA made on the Moon during Apollo … brought back to Earth … and 
then successfully kept secret for more than a generation.”
  Supporting Hoagland’s highly controversial data and analysis, Ken Johnston, 
former LRL manager of NASA’s photographic lunar archive in the early 1970’s, 
will give a first-hand account of how he was specifically instructed by his 
NASA managers toward the end of the Apollo Program to destroy unique Apollo 
records of what the astronauts actually recorded on the Moon, rather than 
donate them to a university, high school or other public archive. 
  Hoagland and Johnston – using these 30-year-old original Apollo images that 
Johnston, in disobeying that direct order, personally preserved – will 
illustrate exactly what NASA hoped would never become known: the apparent 
remains of extensive lunar ruins on the Moon, one of the key projected 
discoveries cited by a pre-Apollo NASA/Brookings study as “capable of 
destroying civilization.”  
  Hoagland and Johnston will then compare this 30-year-old data with current 
Apollo images being posted on official NASA websites around the world – 
revealing total confirmation of Johnston’s 30-year-old claims – including, an 
actual astonishing example of the extraordinarily advanced technology the 
Apollo astronauts may have returned to Earth in the last Mission of Apollo....
  Richard C. Hoagland and Ken Johnston will be available for interviews 
immediately following the briefing - - which will last from 9:00 to 9:45 AM – 
with a question and answer period following until 11:00 AM.
  Hope to see you at the Press Club: 
  Tuesday, October 30th, 9:00 AM, Zenger Room -- Washington DC.
  Contact Phone:  (310) 701-3152

Carlos Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
          Olá Cesar, soube que deu a palestra, mas não apresentou fotos.Não 
soube de detalhes da palestra infelizmente.
Um amigo meu que mora nos EUA viu na TV que a Nasa o desqualificou dizendo que 
ele estava com problemas mentais.
Sei que escreveu um livro em sociedade com outra pessoa e que as fotos 
apresentadas no livro são de uma definição muito ruim. Mas não vi as fotos.
Carlos Santos


Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [BURN] :Funcionário demitido da NASA revelará novos segredos

Oi Carlos aquí é o Cesar de Porto Alegre, tudo bom contigo?
Também fiquei interessado neste assunto mas não encontrei nenhuma reportagem 
pós entrevista 30/10. Achaste mais alguma coisa?

Carlos Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
Alguem sabe se teve mesmo a entrevista no dia 30 do mes passado?
Carlos Santos
> Fonte: The National Press Club, Washington DC, EUA
> Dr. Ken Johnston, ex-gerente da Divisão de Controle de Dados e Fotos do 
> Laboratório de Recepção Lunar da NASA, durante os esforços de exploração 
> lunar das Missões Apollo na década de 70, foi abruptamente demitido na última 
> quinta-feira de manhã, dia 23 de Outubro de 2007, do programa da NASA Solar 
> System Ambassador (SAA - Embaixador do Sistema Solar), no Jet Propulsion 
> Laboratoty - JPL.
> A demissão foi uma resposta direta a um artigo publicado no New York Times 
> chamado "Dark Mission: The Secret History Of NASA" (Missão Obscura: A 
> História Secreta da NASA), sobre como a NASA o ordenou, 40 anos atrás, a 
> destruir imagens e dados importantes das Missões Apollo ao invés de 
> guardá-los para o estudo acadêmico e para apresentação ao público. 
> Johnston irá testemunhar em uma conferência da entidade "The Entreprise 
> Mission" patrocinada pelo National Press Club (Clube de Impressa Nacional), 
> na próxima terça-feira, dia 30 de outubro de 2007 (Sala Zenger, 9h00 da 
> manhã), como ele desobedeceu estas ordens da NASA e, secretamente, preservou 
> as imagens críticas das Missões Apollo.
> Johnston irá exibir algumas das fotos "perdidas" que confirmam a existência 
> de 'ruínas artificiais antigas e tecnologia na Lua', descobertas pelos 
> astronautas das Apollos, mas legalmente classificadas através da Lei do 
> Espaço de 1958 pela NASA, por 40 anos.
> Johnston se unirá a Richard C. Hoagland, antigo consultor da NASA e 
> conselheiro científico do canal CBS News durante as Missões Apollo. Hoagland 
> é co-autor do livro of Dark Mission: The Secret History Of NASA e está à 
> frente da entidade "The Enterprise Mission". Hoagland irá apresentar uma 
> análise das imagens preservadas por Johnston por 40 anos, comparando-as com 
> versões modernas que estão aparentemente sendo exibidas nos websites oficiais 
> da NASA.
> Ele também irá demonstrar e analisará uma das tecnologias secretas obtida 
> pelas equipes da Apollo, relativa ao controle artificial da gravidade.

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