On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 9:03 PM, Moinak Ghosh <moinakg at belenix.org> wrote:
> Hello Folks,
>   Virtual Console support (like ALT + F1, F2 etc. on Linux) went into
> OpenSolaris
> a while back:
I always thought it was strange the Solaris lacked this option.
The only option one had if one logged into a Solaris machine running
in console mode was to use screen.
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/onnv-notify/2008-September/015128.html
> Now if only we get the Extended Partition support in ...
> Looks like next release of BeleniX is gonna be interesting ;)
> Regards,
> Moinak.
> --
> ================================
> http://www.belenix.org/
> http://moinakg.wordpress.com/
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Manish Chakravarty

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