On 5/18/06, Moinak Ghosh <Moinak.Ghosh at sun.com> wrote:
> Sriram Narayanan wrote:
> > All:
> >
> > The following links are of interest to those who want Java on
> > OpenSolaris:
> >
> > http://www.opensolaris.org/os/announcements/#2006-05-16_sun_recasts_java_licensing_--_opensolaris_distros_can_now_include_jdk_
> >
> >
> > https://jdk-distros.dev.java.net/
>    I have just prepared the BeleniX ISO that includes the JDK 1.5 with
>    the installer changes by Sriram Popuri. It also tries to pull in the
> required
>    patch automatically, if you are connected to the net.
Hmmm... could you also include the various patches as appropriate for
Belenix that we see at SunSolve ?

>    Hopefully I'll be able to release 0.4.4 including the JDK by the weekend.

Ack. I await this release :) And if it's not too much to ask, could
you include the latest Eclipse for Solaris x86 too ?

the link is 

> Regards,
> Moinak.

-- Sriram

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