Sriram Narayanan wrote:
> On 5/23/06, Moinak Ghosh <Moinak.Ghosh at> wrote:
>> A new release of BeleniX is available. This one bundles
>> the JDK 1.5 under the new Distributors License for Java.
>> See for more details. At
>> present due to a licensing issue with the SUN Studio C++
>> runtime the JDK is only available as an installable bundle
>> with installer changes to properly install the JDK and the
>> required C++ libC patch.
> The installer worked fine for me - I knew what to select, etc. We need
> to improve on this, so  I'll send my wish list separately.
> I had to install the libC++ patch myself:
> Download
> /usr/bin/patchlibC
> I then ran setup_jdk, and the jdk was setup well. I'd have loved being
> able to ask the installer to install the JDK at /opt, but the present
> installer work just fine. JDK works out of the box.
> I took Eclipse 3.2 RC4 from
> Startup time is about 5 seconds.
   Thanks for the feedback. Good to see that things are working as
   planned. Keep the feedback and bugs coming. Your help is
> I'm a bit tired now, and will send my wish list + bug reports later
> this week, but it was worth returning to office to install 0.4.3a that
> I'd set to download this evening.
> Belenix will be my primary OS from now on. I want to get Wine working
> so that I can run the Lotus Notes 6.5.2 client on Belenix.
   Vivek Joshi in my team and on this list has been hacking away at Wine on
   Solaris. He can update further. Once Wine works on Solaris, it works on
   BeleniX since BeleniX is Solaris compatible.

> Great work, guys :)
> -- Ram
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