On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Moinak Ghosh <moinakg at belenix.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 5:50 PM, S h i v <shivakumar.gn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is a FYI post.
>> Some details as to how foss.in is going to be structured this year is
>> out and being discussed in this thread
>>     http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/foss-in/message/5219
>> FOSS Workouts (hackfests?) is likely to be one of the components and
>> is open for discussion at foss.in mailing list at the below link
>>     http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/foss-in/message/5283
>> Yet to figure out if/how bosug/OpenSolaris/BeleniX fits into this.
>> Feel free to take part in the discussions at the foss.in list.
>> I personally had found the format of yesteryears to be adaptive being
>> able to accomodate broadest profile of speakers as well as audience.
>> How the format for this year plays out is to be seen.
>   I just went through the announcement. This year's conditions seem
>   to draconian tough!  However I do tend to agree with them. They
>   want real code to be developed. Only thing is how much can one
>   achieve on this front in a 3/5 day conference. A conference can be
>   a seeding ground for new ideas but real code only comes out after
>   weeks or months of grunt work. The "grunt" part is where we in India
>   tend to fail. I am not sure how much you can do about that in a single
>   event.
> Regards,
> Moinak.

Ya, though the intension looks good, but how much 'real' work can get
done in 3-5 days?


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