Hi Folks,

   We had a nice time during this Saturday's BOSUG meet.
There were a few new faces along with the usual folks.
Manish's talk on KDE4 and the demo were utterly interesting.
I did not know that KDE4 can be built and run natively on
Windows (without the window manager of course). So you
will have KDE apps like Konqueror running as native
Windows apps without needing cygwin!

We also had some open discussion on SFE, JDS, Indiana
and BeleniX roadmap. I am currently in the process of
adding KDE 3.5.8 to SFE repo and have reached till
kdelibs + dependencies.

Since BOSUG is a very open technology forum there were a
couple of suggestions to expand the topics during the
coming meets. People are interested on having OpenJDK,
PostgreSQL and related talks, demos etc. I am personally
interested in knowing more about the HotSpot VM.

So we will be inviting the relevant folks to give tech talks,
details on how to build the codebase on OpenSolaris etc.
Stay tuned.

I had some goodies to give away like OSOL T-shirts to the
core members, Java cups. People shared Mozilla, Thunderbid
and OSOL stickers among themselves. I also arranged for
some Bengali sweets to start off the first meet of the new
year. All in all we had a good time and did not notice when
we hit 9:30 PM.


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