Discussions of technical (or health) merits of wireless over
bluetooth might be interesting, but are really not very relevant to
this particular discussion.  The fact is, there are tons of
bluetooth devices around and not being able to use them with
OpenSolaris is a nuisance.  Until bluetooth becomes irrelevant as
a technology (and I don't expect it to anytime soon), any effort to
add bluetooth support to OpenSolaris would have my full and
enthusiastic support.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 11:19:37AM +0530, Ram Kumar wrote:
> Hi anand,
>  This is Ramu , I saw your project Details.The bluetooth concept is failure
> model. people going to wireless model. why means ? the bluetooth min data is
> passing like 4MB data to another computer but here is take time lot of
> more.so i congrats your project it not come to future. The wireless concept
> more power ful but life , here in my organzation more 150 laptops. solaris
> install laptops 120 other windows xp, first i try to network cable lot more
> problem,here is more heavy data passing to another computer that way so many
> network traffics. then i go to bluetooth with togule & without togule only i
> doing my R&D but so many problem allway waste my time so then way i go to
> wireless then  every thing sucess,And one more bluetooth human brain is very
> dangerous(brain affecting sometime or head diec so many thing)
> if u want wireless details plz send a mail to me
> with Regards
> K.Ramu
> System administrator
> On Jan 12, 2008 11:53 PM, Anand Bheemarajaiah <anand_bheemaraju at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > My name is Anand B and I am an undergraduate student in RV College of
> > Engineering. Me and my friends(3 total) wanted to build the bluetooth stack
> > for opensolaris as a part of our 8th sem project but after talking to some
> > of the Sun Engineers we decided on building the bluetooth stack in userland
> > instead of kernel since kernel development needs skills, expertise and time
> > which we don't have.
> >
> > We have a limited time frame of around 3 -  3 1/2 months and we are 3
> > people altogether. We have done some simple system programming as a part of
> > our previous semester projects.
> >
> > The main idea of the project goes like this -
> >
> > Since we can't integrate the stack into kernel, we can't support the
> > existing bluetooth device as a separate hardware. So, we will be writing
> > support for usb-bluetooth dongle. By doing this we will be able to read the
> > bluetooth data from the usb device using the libusb library. Once the
> > bluetooth packets have been read we need to provide the same standard
> > bluetooth stack for applications to use this device. Now we have the freedom
> > of implementing the stack in userland instead of integrating it into the
> > kernel. I thought we could port the freebsd implementation of the bluetooth
> > stack or even the bluez implementation of the stack. The licensing issue
> > will not arise here I think since we are not integrating it into the kernel
> > anywhere.
> >
> > After stating all this I have some questions arising in my mind,
> >
> > Will be able to complete the project in time? ( an expected level of
> > expertise for the job)
> > How much usability will this project have upon completion ? ( when
> > compared to actual bluetooth stack implementation or in general )
> > Where can I find any guidance or documentation if I get stuck somewhere ?
> > ( because I don't want us to waste too much time reinventing the wheel )
> >
> > Can anyone guide me regarding this project ? Any help or guidance is
> > largely welcome. you can contact me at this address - anand (underscore )
> > bheemaraju (at) yahoo (dot) com.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > regards,
> > Anand B
> >
> >
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