(For Immediate Release 06.00GMT 17thOctober 02)


The peoples of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Burundi and
Uganda will be joined by  human rights groups and friends of Africa this
morning in a picket to protest the against two of Africa's worst  dictators
and terrorists, Lt. Gen. Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Gen. Paul Kagame of

The two military men are being hosted by the British Secretary for
International Development Rt. Hon Clare Short in an attempt to resolve the
difference between the two, over their spoils, loot and plunder of the DRC,
which they illegally invaded and occupied 4 years ago. The result has been
the torture and massacre of 3 million Congolese people.  Amid this blind,
Museveni has killed over 2.7 million people in northern Uganda where, as we
went to press, hundreds of thousands are being herded into concentration
camps, their property looted or destroyed.

Museveni and Kagame argued that they invaded the DRC  in order to  fight
rebels and protect their own territorial borders. False. The fall out between
the two over timber and mineral wealth confirms otherwise. The fact that
opposition against them continue is clear. The root causes of conflict in
this region which has left over 5 million people dead in the last 10 years is
political. Museveni and Kagame should open up political space in their
respective countries as the only solution to a lasting peace and stability in
the region.

We demand that the British government, which is shamefully the biggest backer
(financially and militarily and politically) should not only withdraw that
support but urge the two men to;

Resolve all their  differences politically; they should talk to their
internal political opposition, that there should be a third party mediator in
both cases, involving international agencies of repute; cease herding peoples
in concentration camps in northern and eastern Uganda; stop arbitrary
arrests, detention and disappearance of political opponents across the
country; stop using chemical weapons against defenceless population; stop
plundering natural resources of the DRC and the massive corruption in high
places in both countries - Uganda in particular which is now the 3rd most
corrupt country on earth; cease localizing power to the First Families and
Immediate Cronies Only; set up a commission of enquiry into the burning down
of independent Radio Waa, which was burnt down in Lira town two weeks ago,
investigate the day light killing of 57 innocent civilians last week and
blaming it on rebels; accordingly, arrest murderers and perpetrators of state
sponsored terrorism like Col. Mayombo & Col. Kayanja and, to immediately set
free The Monitor newspaper, which was looted and closed last week for
reporting on the escalating war in the north. Finally, the two men must
permanently and, without conditions, withdraw their troops from the DCR and
cease fuelling political, military and ethnic conflicts in that country.

If the British government can assist in resolving a conflict between two of
Africa's most wanted men, why can it not compel them to talk to democratic
political forces in their countries. If the two men can talk over their war
in Congo, why not talk about wars of plunder and destruction in their own
countries which has been going on for 15 years?

The peoples of the Great Lakes Region of East Africa are resolved in ensuring
that from today onwards, any single death  in the region will be carefully
logged. Every death in the hands of these two dictators since gunning
themselves in State power will have to be justified and, at an appropriate
time, indict them for war crimes and, crimes against humanity accordingly, we
seek the arrest, detention and trial forthwith, of Lt. Gen. Yoweri Museveni,
the most wanted man in Africa.

Joseph Pinytek Ochieno - Chairman, Uganda Peoples Congress External Bureau -
UK /Dr. Walter Okello - Campaign for Political & Human Rights in Uganda. (On
behalf of All Africans Against Dictatorship and Terror in the GLR). Emails :
Contact details for editors : Joseph - 07961 104 408 / Walter - 07939 246

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