
The Nabagereka has said those words before. Indeed His
Majesty the Kabaka has expressed similar sentiments
before. The Buganda PM has many times said the same
and we have posted them here even a few weeks ago when
a certain netter had the same opinion as yours, so
what are you talking about?

Who has been biological substances for 20 years? Be
serious for once. 

For your information, the Kabaka is His Majesty not
His Highness.


--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> God
> How long have we waited to hear this news that the
> death of Northerners affects Bulange!!!!!! (You know
> officially). After her husband officially collects
> cows from Rwakitura.  The death of Northerners is
> now an issue with Nabagereka? Well Nabagereka, for
> 20 years there has been some biological substances
> dying out there, you know, the time when you put on
> your best cloth to escort his highness himself to go
> and visit Rwakitura, I am talking about  the visit
> where you went and got the very many numbers of cows
> from Museveni. Some of us, your men are wondering
> why you never mentioned it to him. Oh we know it was
> not yet a matter for your consideration. It is very
> interesting if we are going to run our nation like
> this and if you are a sample of people to clean up
> our nation.  
> This struggle is long over due.
> Em
>        The Mulindwas communication group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Omar Kezimbira 
>   Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:17 AM
>   Subject: ugnet_: Nabagereka is saddened by Kony
> War-Bukedde- 11/11/2002
>         The Nabagereka of Buganda has said that she
> is saddened by the loss of Ugandan blood caused by
> Kony and the way he has tormented the people of
> Acholiland.
>         She went on to say that the news from the
> North had long struck her hard due to the acts
> terror commited by Kony against the citizens. All
> this was said by the Nabagereka at Sheraton Hotel
> during the launching of a campaign to assist
> suffering/displaced children from the effects of the
> Kony war. 
>         Nabagereka Mwennyamivu
>         Nabagereka
>         KAMPALA 
>         Bya Angel Lubowa 
>         NABAGEREKA agambye nti mwennyamivu
> olw'omusaayi gwa Bannayuganda oguyiibwa Kony
> n'engeri gy'abonyabonya abantu mu bukiikakkono. 
>         Yagambye nti amawulire agava mu bukiika
> kkono bw'eggwanga gaamukuba dda encukwe
> olw'ebikolebero n'ettemu Kony byakola ku bantu. 
>         Nabagereka bino yabyogeredde ku wooteeri ya
> Sheraton gye yabadde omwogezi omukulu ku mukolo
> gw'okutema empenda z'okuyamba abaana ababu-ndabunda
> olw'olutalo lwa Kony.
>         Published on: Monday, 11th November, 2002
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