If the Nabagereka does something good why should she not be supported.
If she is late in concern then that is another matter, but does that negate her present efforts?

Who says those who started this campaign of championing this cause from back 16 years ago are wrong.
I would support giving them a medal, if they so desire.

And is it a crime to love 'Ssalongo Idi Amin'?
What about Obote?

Why do people say 'Kasita Twebaka otulo'?
Is it not because at one time they were being hunted in the jungles like wild animals?
Does Obote have no responsibility in this?

Of course a tribally based insensitivity should be condemned.
But do you condemn it only when it comes to Baganda?

What about the "little dirty dictator" (Grace Ibingira's characterization) who was laughing when people in Luweero - Bulemezi, Wobulenzi etc.... were being blown into minced meat?

Didn't his laugh carry a tribalistic undertone against Baganda?

He is now a respectable Mzee, eh?

Baganda never killed Acholis.
Banyankole never killed Acholis.
Did Acholis kill anybody? Of course not.

If anybody committed a crime let the individual(s) be roasted.

This 'Kakwa this', 'Northerns that', 'Baganda this', etc... is utter hogwash.
It is absolute nonsense to lump the crimes of a few on a whole community.

If the Nabagereka does something noble, we are duty bound to support her.
Otherwise all the shout would be very hypocritical.

If you find this my line differing from yours, tough luck!!

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nabagereka is saddened by Kony War-Bukedde- 11/11/2002

"Distance from the sea".
The Nabagerekaīs effort is and act of honor.

From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You can never satisfy this guy ! When you decide not to comment, he says you are in the mood of 'Kasita twebaka'. When you do something,
he scolds you for being so late !


From: "Mulindwa Edward" <muli

16 Years in the going huh? Are you really proud of her now or you want your
ass to get out of the Conner for you see the North Must be free and she has
also recognised? Can you imagine if her call and your support came into this
forum 15 years ago when we started to complain about killing Ugandans in the
North? And if she was really concerned about the deaths of Ugandans in the
North and you support her as you are now claiming, may be the saying Ffe
Kasita Twebaka would have never came?
Talk about scooping to the lowest. But again I am reading a posting of a
true Muganda. Iddi Amin Saloongo waffe.
The Mulindwas communication group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"

From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
@kym.net>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nabagereka is saddened by Kony War-Bukedde-

We Ugandans of goodwill wish to thank The Nabagereka of Buganda for speaking
out against the holocaust taking place in the Northern part of our country!!

Indeed for a long time we prayed for all in leadership positions to focus
attention on this cancer in our land.

Her plans to organize structures to help the children deserves the utmost
support from all of us!!

It is a cause we shall be committed to, both morally and materially.

This is a Nabagereka I am proud to call my own!

Thank you our Nabagereka.

Mitayo Potosi/Potojsi

>From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Nabagereka of Buganda has said that she is saddened by the loss of
>Ugandan blood caused by Kony and the way he has tormented the people of
>She went on to say that the news from the North had long struck her hard
>due to the acts terror commited by Kony against the citizens. All this was
>said by the Nabagereka at Sheraton Hotel during the launching of a campaign
>to assist suffering/displaced children from the effects of the Kony war.
>Nabagereka Mwennyamivu
>Bya Angel Lubowa
>NABAGEREKA agambye nti mwennyamivu olw'omusaayi gwa Bannayuganda oguyiibwa
>Kony n'engeri gy'abonyabonya abantu mu bukiikakkono.
>Yagambye nti amawulire agava mu bukiika kkono bw'eggwanga gaamukuba dda
>encukwe olw'ebikolebero n'ettemu Kony byakola ku bantu.
>Nabagereka bino yabyogeredde ku wooteeri ya Sheraton gye yabadde omwogezi
>omukulu ku mukolo gw'okutema empenda z'okuyamba abaana ababu-ndabunda
>olw'olutalo lwa Kony.
>Published on: Monday, 11th November, 2002

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