Our Vice President is right.

Her Excellency the Vice President, Dr Specioza Wandira Naigaga has all
the right to ask to be called by her real names, rather than Kazibwe.

Eng. C. Kazibwe himself admitted that he on two occassions
beat our Vice President.

That kind of behaviour is barbaric and criminal, and he should thank
the VP that he still walks our streets rather than being in Luzira where,
by law, he belongs.

We cannot continue to hide under culture to perpetuate any injustice.

I am sure we would be incensed if the Boers started to defend apartheid
as a cherished part of their culture.

The writer below, James Kityo, argues that Winnie Mandela of South
Africa still stoically bears the Mandela name.

Kityo should be informed that this has not been as wellcome in the circles
of Nelson Mandela's handlers as he, Kityo, would have us believe.

I say, if our VP chooses to rid herself of such a backward and crazy guy, then
Good for her.

"Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus." ( I have become an enemy for speaking the truth ) St Paul!
Mitayo Potosi

Let the Vice-President go to court!

SIR— Of recent I have been amused by the press referring to the Vice-President as
Naigaga. I believe she allowed herself to be called so after her marriage to Eng.
Charles Kazibwe soured.
The Naigaga name is not sticking. We all know that the Vice-President swore in as
Specioza Wandira Kazibwe. We also remember clearly that at the time of her first
swearing in, she asked the President if Eng. Charles Kazibwe could stand by her as
she swore in.
The activism that is being misdirected after marriage failures should not be
condoned. If Eng Kazibwe legally married Specioza Naigaga, then the VP (Specioza
Wandira Kazibwe) is still his wife, till death or court cuts them asunder. She cannot
escape from that fact.
The question of women being called their husbands names is not for the Naigagas
to decide. It is a culture, a legal culture, which causes no harm.
I see many women comfortable with sharing identity with their husbands.
As for now, let Dr Specioza Wandira Kazibwe go to court to nullify her Kazibwe name.
But Winnie, even after parting with the great Mandela is still called, Winnie Mandela.

James Kityo

Published on: Friday, 29th November, 2002

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