"...nationalism is narrow in its application.  It works within the 
geopolitical framework produced by the colonial powers which culminated in 
the carve-up agreed upon in 1884 at the Berlin Conference, where today's 
political maps of Africa were drawn."

"The various peoples of Africa cannot be, and historically never have been, 
confined within rigid frontiers sealing off territories labelled "Nigeria", 
"Togo", "Senegal", and so on.  The natural movements of the African peoples 
and of their societies have from time immemorial swept along extensive axes 
as for example from the Nile to the Congo, from Senegal to the Niger, and 
from the Congo to the Zambesi"

"The African "nations" of today, created artificially by foreigners for their 
own purposes, neither originated from ancient African civilisation, nor do 
they fit in with our African way of life or habits of exchange.  They are not 
even, for the most part, economically viable.  Yet they continue to struggle 
on, each one separately, in a pathetic and hopeless attempt to make progress, 
while the real obstacle to their development, imperialism, mainly in the 
neo-colonialist stage is operating on a Pan-African scale.  Already, huge 
zones of Africa have been integrated economically in the exclusive interest 
of international finance capital.  A study of the organisation and workings 
of most of the large trading firms, mining trusts and industrial cartels 
operating in Africa shows that they all function directly or indirectly on a 
continental scale.  Many of them form part of a general network spreading 
over several continents." 

"This monopolistic system of exploitation is the direct outcome of prolonged 
capitalist practice, the experience being that extended and unified 
industrial, commercial or mining units are less costly to maintain, are more 
efficient, and produce higher profits."

"It is time that we also planned our economic and political development on a 
continental scale. The concept of African unity embraces the fundamental 
needs and characteristics of African civilisation and ideology, and at the 
same time satisfies all the conditions necessary for an accelerated economic 
and technological advance. Such maximum development would ensure a rational 
utilisation of the material resources and human potential of our continent 
along the lines of an integrated economy, and within complementary sectors of 
production, eliminating all unnecessary forms of competition, economic 
alienation and duplication.  The idea is not to destroy or dismantle the 
network of foreign mining complexes and industrial companies throughout 
Africa, but to take them over and operate them in the SOLE interest of the 
African peoples." Kwame Nkrumah, "Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare",  pages 

``However, when any Zimbabwean, any African, says to me land is a key issue. 
. . the early colonizers were all about taking land... "  Jack Straw, UK 
Foreign Secretary
"Britain Official Angers Critics",  Sue Leeman 

 "Europe is a bag of tricks about this at the moment. "It's a conspiracy from 
France and the EU to lock Africa into poverty, and at the same time Europe 
preaches free trade..."  Clare Short, UK International Develompent Secretary 
"France hits back at Short's blast", Daily Telegraph


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