On Ugandanet I wrote:
<<Actually, i recently got in trouble in acholinet for such carelessnes with writing English. Let me see if I can find a copy from the archives. I will be back.>>
I was really angry because this guy implied that I live in a glasshouse. He wrote: "all of us, except Jesus, lives in a glasshouse". He was responding to another acholi woman, but indirectly to me, who was trying to invade my territory. Anyway, I was not threatened because I heard she is shapeless, old and not even pretty. Anyway, that is another topic all together.
Notice how I started off very nicely addressing all members of acholinet. By the second sentence, I was beginning to think in acholi and I quickly zeroed in on one member and I started talking to him while typing on acholinet. It does not take a genius to realize that by the time I got to third/last sentence, I was invincible. Completely bulletproof. Well, until the guy hit reply.
I repeatedly read his one page reply but failed to understand why he decided to challenge me to that magnitude. Then I went back and read what I had posted and bitterly said, "Fuck! How am I gonna get out this one?" Then I began to hear voices. It was acholinet admin saying: "If it looks complicated/difficult, don't hit reply. Take your time. Think about it carefully". 
Fortunately for me, the next day the guy wrote a second reply to the same topic and I immediately took that opportunity and ended the subject in style.
Lisa Toro, that could have been the first time Anyomokolo failed to defend her own words in any forum.
I wrote on Acholinet:
<<People who live in glasshouses are those who are ashamed of what they have
done in the past and/or don't want others to know.  If what you have done is
considered 'nasty' by others but you really don't  care or make the
slightest attempt to keep it in the closet, then you don't live in a
glasshouse. So, once again, this time all in capital and in pink, SPEAK FOR DAMN
It should read:
People who live in glasshouses are those who are ashamed of what they have
done in the past and/or don't want others to know.  If what one has done is
considered 'nasty' by others but he/she does not really care or make the
slightest attempt to keep it in the closet, then he/she does not live in a
glasshouse. So, once again, this time all in capital and in pink, SPEAK FOR
The he/she here, I was refering to myself because I am an acholi celebrity. People like me don't have anything in the closet becuase paparazzis like Zeru Hymen  are constantly looking for stories to write about us.

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