Saturday, December 28, 2002
Kenya Decides
Uhuru Kenyatta
Votes: 3,922 - 15%
Mwai Kibaki
Votes: 21,142 - 83%
Simeon Nyachae
Votes: 376 - 1%
James Orengo
Votes: 22 - 0%

Waweru Ngethe
Votes 12 - 0%

Results from 43 polling stations with 25,474 ballots counted
Updated at 2125 GMT


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The week's EastAfrican.
  • Kibaki to Become Kenya's Third President - By at Least 1m Votes
    NATIONAL RAINBOW Coalition (NARC) opposition presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki is set to win Kenya's presidential election with a comfortable margin irrespective of the actual voter turnout on December 27.
  • But Hung Parliament Still Likely Scenario
    KENYA FACES the prospect of a hung parliament after the December 27 general election, with the opposition National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) managing only a thin majority, presaging the kind of inter-party horse-trading that characterised the eighth parliament.
Edition for December 23 - 29, 2002

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