Mitayo Potosi,

Let me make clear one or two issues.

"Tell me that the last SA election was not not won on
the backs of a campaign against 'makwerekwere'." You

Mmmm, what is "makwerekwere"? My understanding, based
on your writing is, it's a reference to non-black
SA'cans in SA. These, to them(SA'cans), judging from
your writing, are people taking away "money" and
"jobs" from SA'can Africans. Would it be wrong to also
think that the term "makwerekwere" also refers to
"whites" in SA? After all during the Apartheid era,
"makwerekwere" of African origin dominated no sector
in the Country. I wouldn't want to convince myself
that during Mandela's administration, four years
wasn't it?, "makwerekwere" of African origin could and
most definitely dominated many sectors in that
country; I mean in terms of employment. Wouldn't you

"Whites can of course target blacks,....." You again
wrote. But, I didn't say that if you are trying to
read me as having said so. Remember there were also
non-white in the Apartheid regime. It is possible that
some maybe longing for the old good days. Therefore,
that some folks could be engineering such lynching in
order to re-orient SA direction can apply to anybody
or group who were then enjoying what SA has to offer.

"At the minimum, brother Okello Oruk we have to push
the positive." 

Mitayo Potosi, what is the "positive" that should be
pushed? Don't get me wrong; I agree with you. But,
positive in terms of what?
"It could be that you put more stock than me in the
ANC as a party. May be that is the origin of our
diverging views." Again you wrote.

If not the ANC then what other party(ies) are you
looking at? I do not know much about there; SA I mean.
You should let us know.

I am done with


 --- Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear  okello oruk,
> I didn't mean to come off sounding like an apologist
> of apartheid. It is sad 
> and shameful but it is only some whites that have
> spoken out against the 
> killing of  'makwerekwere',  though sometimes with
> glee. Tell me that the 
> last SA election was not not won on the backs of a
> campaign against  
> 'makwerekwere'.
> You ask " Could this (lynching) not be some kind of
> underground work by some 
> (...? folks) in order to isolate the SA blacks (from
> the rest of Africans ) 
> for a final kill so SA is once again, may be
> permanently this time, back to 
> the past brutal era?! "
> Whites can of course target blacks, but why would
> they want to go back to 
> the past when they are now minting more millionaires
> than they ever did 
> under apartheid?
> First, what is "'makwerekwere' bogey."?
> Do you really think it is we the so-called
> 'makwerekwere'  who are taking 
> away all the money from SA? All the jobs?
> >My lord! So, it is the ANC with their anti
> "makwerekwere" policy, poisonous 
> >of course, that has led to the current lynching of
> other black Africans, 
> >isn't it?
> My answer is in the affirmative. That ANC utterances
> are part of the 
> problem.  And I also hope that you read my posting
> rather give it a quick 
> glance, otherwise I think you are missing some gist
> of it.
> >
> >Shouldn't this kind of writings come from an
> Apartheid apologist which I 
> >hope you are not?
> >
> I am the farthest thing to an apartheid apologist. 
> At least I hope I am not 
> an apologist. The apologists are those who have left
> the whole SA print 
> media save for one paper - Mail and Guardian -  in
> ownership by the same 
> apartheid forces, and all without exception with
> white editorial  desks that 
> are still pushing exclusively Eurocentric interests.
> After a decade ' in power', the new SA black elite
> don't seem to see 
> anything amiss in this arrangement.
> Indeed they have spurned requests for some level of
> joint efforts with the 
> black opposition parties like AZAPO - Azania Peoples
> Organization, BCM - 
> Black Consiousness Movement and PAC - Pan-African
> Congress.
> Instead they have invited the National Party of
> apartheid (NNP) into govt.  
> You must be aware of all this Brother okello oruk.
> When Mbeki posed a few questions on AIDS the whole
> media came down on him 
> calling him mad. They openly touted regime change in
> SA by openly propping 
> up Cyril Ramaphosa, whom imperialism made deputy to
> Senator Mitchell in the 
> Northern Ireland peace process, to build up his
> stature. Regime change is 
> facing Thabo Mbeki right in his face.
> It is this same Cyril Ramaphosa who after the
> assassination of Umkonto we 
> Sizwe commander, Chris Hani, that stood in Carlton
> Centre in Johannesburg 
> and told the whole world that with Hani still alive
> change from the old 
> older had come to a standstill. It is only after his
> death that negotiations 
> started moving.
> Brother okello oruk, I dont know about you but if
> this is the leader we are 
> going to have after Thabo Mbeki then I am really
> scared.
> In the meantime Mbeki must continue as their African
> running dog.  
> Meaningless NEPAD, undermining the 'African Union', 
> etc....
> One would have hoped that blacks in SA learnt
> something in their tussle with 
> the white liberals.  i.e.  South African white
> liberals had always been 
> struggling against apartheid, may be for a 'kinder
> and gentler' apartheid.  
> ( The liberal white homosexuals/lesbians made sure
> they took over the task 
> of rewriting the new constitution and gave
> themselves the most generous 
> rights anywhere in the world - was that our number
> one issue against 
> apartheid? )
> Nadime Gordimer,  Prof. Coetier (sp) etc... have
> been pushing for  a 
> curriculum that represents a view of Africa of the
> settler colonists.  In 
> this case the blacks in govt have stood their ground
> for a curriculum in 
> Literature that reflects the world view of the
> African.
> Literary icons, like Prof.  Andrei Brink,  who
> struggled so much against 
> apartheid all their lives are so bitter and
> disillusioned that they have 
> felt neccessary to emigrate from a now  'free SA' 
> to  Europe,  America or 
> Australia.
> At the minimum, brother Okello Oruk we have to push
> the positive.
> It could be that you put more stock than me in the
> ANC as a party. May be 
> that is the origin of our diverging views.
> Mitayo Potosi
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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