Ochan Otim
This is from infidels.org

In 1989, the twenty-five year old Joseph Kony rose to the forefront of
the Acholi 
People's struggle against Museveni's government. Kony's rebels managed
to curb atrocities committed against the Northerners by Uganda's
military, but soon the rebels began committing their own war crimes. Not
surprisingly, Mr. Kony had been tutored by his aunt, the Acholi
Priestess, Lakwena, who herself had engaged in brutal kidnappings
(forced conscriptions) into her Holy Spirit Army.[6] From the start,
Joseph Kony exhibited a ruthlessness in war noted for an arrogant
flaunting of the 1949 Geneva Convention. In one decade alone, over 8,000
children were kidnapped by the Lord's Resistance Army. Most of these
unfortunate children are now presumed dead, killed either in combat or
in the murderous crossfire of warring sides. Tragically, these prisoners
of war are transported, tied in columns by rope as slaves, to LRA
(Lord's Resistance Army) camps.[7] When shooting breaks out, the
conscripts often are unable to escape. If the kidnapped children survive
the long journey to the LRA camps, they are forcefully indoctrinated
into the LRA's grand vision of an Acholi nation based on the Ten
Commandments--savage beatings are meted out to all nonbelievers. The
child captives are taught the rebel leader's belief in an apocalyptic
arrival of "The Silent World." Joseph Kony believes there will be a time
in history when all guns worldwide will fall silent and only those
knowing how to use crude weapons, like stones, spears, and machetes,
will prevail against their enemies.[8] (LRA members are obsessed with
the idea of supernatural intervention and battlefield odds favoring the
use of primitive weapons.) LRA military indoctrination consists of
beatings, rapes, and the severing of limbs by machete--all based on
selected Biblical passages--no doubt some of the harshest found in the
pages of the Old Testament. Joseph Kony subjects his child soldiers to
an odd blend of Christianity, primarily the fundamentalist kind, mixed
with African animistic beliefs which include the practice of witchcraft.
Of course, the Biblical passages forbidding engagement in witchcraft are
overlooked by Mr. Kony and his entire LRA command structure. Anyone who
resists LRA indoctrination, or who attempts to escape, is
executed--often savagely beaten to death by those newly abducted into
Kony's Spirit Army.

-----Original Message-----
Of Ochan Otim
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:49 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Fwd: RE:UPC/LRA

I am waiting to 'hear' you out after you read this, Ed Kironde.


>Greetings to all,
>And to Mukulu Kironde I purposely ask: Are you fine? not as a
formality, but
>as a greeting question that seeks to know that all is and was well when
>published the ten point list!
>You write, "Former Acholi soldiers fled to the north to be
re-integrated in
>the Acholi society, but because of the difficulties of re-integration,
>soon raped and plundered the local population." I would be of great
>importance if you could tell us what the "difficulties of
>were, and why couldn't the Acholis (my god) settle at home. Gen. Saleh
>recently revealed some of the causes of the northern war. I
>though actually unfortunately happened to be in Namukora on 5th October
>1986, when a special contingent of NRA soldiers arrived and arrested
>former FEDEMU and retired UNLA officers in the area. Loaded them in
>containers and shipped them to Mbuya; you know the rest of the story.
>there is any reason why the war in the north started it was as a result
>the activities of this day.
>I can understand the way you feel about UPC, for I suffered at the
hands of
>some of its operatives in ways I hate to recall.  However I find it
>reprehensible that some one who is seeking the highest office of the
>has chosen to view, Obote, UPC, LRA and "the Acholi" as one!
>Blanket condemnation of ethnic groups or political organizations, Yes,
>including UPC is wrong. If some elements within UPC are sponsoring LRA,
>it know to the world as such.
>The other issues you bring up again in your ten-point programme is your
>continued well-orchestrated campaign against the political opposition
>Uganda.  And here I put it to you that with malice aforethought and
>ingrained hate you have found it in your faculties to link DP and LRA.
>ndabawo ettima, effutwa, effubitizi, obukyayi n'enge oba n'ensaalwa
>It is also unbecoming of you to suggest that the Reform Agenda has been
>making overtures to Kony. Unless you are one of the contact persons,
how are
>you privy to this information? Or you have just swallowed you master,
>You highlight the term that you were just thinking, with the danger of
>sounding uncivilized I would reluctantly say that, if this is the way
>perform when thinking, you better stop thinking and just hallucinate.
>I sincerely believed that your time at this very educating board had
>some light in your mind and divorced you from "tribal" bias. But alas!
I was
>May the lord heal your soul?
>Kiwanuka Lawrence nsereko

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