
One thing is for sure: The UPC is not like the NRM!  Today Yoweri Museveni's NRM claims it's Ideology is in line Pan-Africanism... tomorrow the some  NRM  turns  it's behind, so to say, ( because NRM wants money from Bush) it is in bed with the Same Imperialist forces which is trying to subjugate the African People.

NRM launches wars of aggression against Africans  and massarces  million of African in such wars, is as a matter of fact is well document. Brother Roy can read for himself.  Since after all, unlike you NRM goons, Roy,  has the intellect to decipher fact for himself.

Let us face. really cannot defend your NRM and claim that the NRM's Ideology is in line with Pan-Africanism. ... that is if you are being truthful to your intellect. But then again you guys are pretty much devoid of Reasoning capability .. all you know  is how to tell lies (as you were trained in  your  Mucha Mucha Indoctrination school in Kyakwanzi!! ) and murder Ugandans!


In a message dated 7/15/2003 7:06:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What do you mean UPC was a strong supporter of pan
africanism? Dont be fooled. UPC for instance had
recognised Emenkwa Ojukwu's biafra to break away from
the federal republic of Nigeria. Is that to you pan

UPC only thrived on deceit and dividing the people and
whne they were found out, they were thrown out not
once but twice.



One thing is for sure: The UPC is not like the NRM!  Today Yoweri Museveni's NRM claims it's Ideology is in line Pan-Africanism... tomorrow the some  NRM  turns  it's behind, so to say, ( because NRM wants money from Bush) it is in bed with the Same Imperialist forces which is trying to subjugate the African People.

NRM launches wars of aggression against Africans  and massarces  million of African in such wars, is as a matter of fact is well document. Brother Roy can read for himself.  Since after all, unlike you NRM goons, Roy,  has the intellect to decipher fact for himself.

Let us face. really cannot defend your NRM and claim that the NRM's Ideology is in line with Pan-Africanism. ... that is if you are being truthful to your intellect. But then again you guys are pretty much devoid of Reasoning capability .. all you know  is how to tell lies (as you were trained in  your  Mucha Mucha Indoctrination school in Kyakwanzi!! ) and murder Ugandans!



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