U.S. Soldier, Iraqi Interpreter Killed
4 minutes ago

By STEVEN R. HURST, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. soldier and his Iraqi interpreter were killed in a grenade and gun attack in north Baghdad on Monday, and the top American commander here said he planned to establish an Iraqi militia to patrol the country.


The dead soldier was from the 1st Armored Division, spokesman Cpl. Todd Pruden said. It brought to 152 the number of U.S. troops killed in action since the March 20 start of war — five more than during the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites).

Two American soldiers and an Iraqi employee of a U.N.-affiliated relief agency were killed Sunday. The soldiers died in an ambush by attackers using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms near Tal Afar, a town west of the northern city of Mosul.

Meanwhile, the new chief of American and allied forces in Iraq (news - web sites), Gen. John Abizaid, visited the country for the first time since taking over the command from Gen. Tommy Franks.

Abizaid announced plans Monday to create a nearly 7,000-strong force of Iraqis to work with U.S. soldiers. It would consist of eight battalions of armed Iraqi militiamen, each with about 850 men.

They will be trained by conventional U.S. forces — a job usually handled by American special operations forces — and are expected to be ready to begin operating within 45 days, he said.

The area of Sunday's convoy attack near Tal Afar, 240 miles northwest of Baghdad, had been relatively peaceful in recent weeks, and the ambush was a worrying development for American forces trying to bring stability to Iraq.

Most recent violence has occurred in an area north and west of Baghdad called the Sunni triangle, where some support for Saddam remains. Tal Afar lies outside that region.

Paul Bremer, the top U.S. administrator in Iraq, speaking to NBC's "Meet the Press," said there was no evidence of central control in the assaults, calling them "highly professional but very small, sort of squad-level attacks, five or six people at a time attacking us."

Still, he said, running Saddam to ground would ease the situation.

"The sooner we can either kill him or capture him, the better, because the fact that his fate is unknown certainly gives his supporters the chance to go around and try to rally support for him," said Bremer.

In other violence Sunday, a two-car convoy carrying members of the International Organization for Migration was ambushed near the southern city of Hilla when a pickup truck drove alongside one car and opened fire.

The car collided with a bus. Personnel in a World Health Organization (news - web sites) convoy traveling behind the IOM vehicles treated three injured and took the Iraqi driver to a hospital, where he died, said Omer Mekki, the WHO deputy director in Iraq.

Both convoys were clearly marked as U.N. vehicles.

"We're a bit shaken. Everybody is a bit shocked," said Mekki. "But when we were recruited and we came to Iraq, we knew there were risks. An incident like this is not unexpected.

Ahmed Fawzi, spokesman for the special representative of U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites), denounced the attack.

"The United Nations (news - web sites) is in Iraq to help the Iraqi people. We are not taking sides," he said in Baghdad.


The U.N. World Food Program was targeted in a July 6 grenade attack in Mosul, and four days later, the agency issued a release citing concern over the security situation in Iraq.

U.N. special representative Sergio Vieira de Mello left Iraq on Sunday. He is to report to the U.N. Security council on Tuesday, when a delegation from Iraq's U.S.-picked Governing Council was expected to visit the world body.

The council, the first civilian group organized to eventually take control of the country, had said the group planned to declare itself the sovereign representative of Iraq at the United Nations.

To the south, in the holy city of Najaf, thousands of followers of Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr marched six miles from the Imam Ali shrine to U.S. headquarters in the region, shouting slogans against the Governing Council and the Americans.

"Long live al-Sadr. America and the Council are infidels," chanted the crowds.

U.S. troops prevented the demonstrators from entering the headquarters and soldiers barricaded the building with Humvees. The crowd, some throwing rocks, dispersed after clerics read out an appeal by al-Sadr to go home.

Earlier, al-Sadr said in a statement read inside the shrine that he wanted coalition forces to leave Najaf. In his Friday sermon, the cleric said he was recruiting a private army but fell short of calling for armed struggle against the U.S. occupation.

On Monday, the coalition director for human rights said the investigation of a newly uncovered mass grave outside Mosul in northern Iraq had been delayed until more forensic teams arrive in the next few weeks.

The 101st Airborne first discovered the site near the village of Al Hatra last week and several remains were taken away by forensic experts. The site was covered up until assessment teams could excavate it properly, said Sandy Hodgkinson.

"We don't have all the facts yet," she said. But initial discussions revealed that the grave held the remains of women and children all with bullet holes in their heads, many shot from above.

"That generally means they were either kneeling or already in the pit when they were shot," she said.

Residents said there were 4,000-5,000 bodies in that region, Hodgkinson said.

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