Ndugu Ssemakula, 

Thank you for the most recent portion of Ibingira's book. At this
point, I shall concede the battle to you: if the additional stuff you
promised to post were all from the same book, by the same author,
notwithstanding my reservations on the objectivity/credibility of
Ibingira as a chronicler of issues about Obote, then we really can't
have much of a debate. 

There are obviously issues which are in the realm of common knowledge,
and on those one need not spend a lot of time, e.g. that there was a
UPC-KY alliance, that perhaps other members of the UPC initiated the
talks to that end, and that Obote openly and publicly called for
Ugandans to consider a One-Party state. Where the difficulties arise is
when Ibingira goes into Obote's head and explains from the inside (of
the head) why what decision was taken. Unlike you, I do not have such
strong faith in any individual as to believe that Ibingira would know,
for instance, that: "Obote preferred to keep the Acholi fighting each
other......................" "Obote's real ambition was.....", "Obote
foresaw a future political struggle...." "In Obote's calculations any
resistance........." The whole section is littered with such
unsabstantiated, loaded statements upon which one is expected to form an
opinion of the goings on of the time! And this comes shortly after I was
taken to task to list another author's sources for claims he made: of
course when it comes to Ibingira, it suffices for him to have "known"
how Obote was thinking/calculating, etc!

Whereas one is tempted to dismiss the entire book (assuming the rest of
it is in the same vein) as the work of a man bitter with his one time
political friend and ally, one will remain open-minded for guidance from
those of you who have the charism to know  what extra-ordinary powers
Ibingira had.

Please post more of the book for my edification, but now I see I'll not
be in a position to debate any of the issues Ibingira raised, especially
if it is the same style/approach throughout the book.

Best regards,


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