Mr. Mulindwa,
Pardon me for my naivity, but in my naivity,
upbringing etc. I have never seen or even for seen a
so badly starved money sexually he had to commit
suicide.  Are you sure.
In this world where women outnumber men almost 3 to
one why wouldn't the man talk to another woman before
he starved and finally killed himself????
And let us not forget that in our culture our men run
the show.
So please forgive me but your story does a good sale
but carries no credibility.  I still want to believe
that my African Ugandan Man has a backbone to approach
a woman and win, and if he does not move on to another
available woman instead of being cowardly and kill
himself. I do not remember my man ever being such a
jelly fish!!!!!
--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sexually starved man commits Suicide
> A man who is alleged to have threatened to kill
> himself for being sexually starved by his wife for 6
> months has finally hung himself. 
> Virado Bukenya who is 40 a peasant farmer and
> charcoal dealer Kisizidi village in Bageze sub
> county Mbubende district was found dead in his
> bedroom. 
> Virado always blamed his wife for starving him
> sexually instead of fulfilling her conjugal
> obligation. 
> Bukenya's death brings the number of people
> committing suicide over sexual starvation to four in
> a month in the same area. 
> Recently Juma Senyonga a butcher in Mubende town
> committed suicide after his wife starved him
> sexually for three months. 
>             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"

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