Mwaami Ssenyange

I have decided to respond a second piece on your writings so that we are
clear on this issue.

There is a huge difference between the Canadian federalism and the Uganda
proposed one. The Canadian federalism was proposed and negotiated by the two
Canada's at the time, it was the Upper Canada and lower Canada. These two
Canada's reached an agreement which they introduced and came up with the
1867 agreement. Let record show that Ontario and Alberta as you are giving
in your example, never had a negotiation with Queen who was the head of
state at a time. So Uganda's case is different for today it is Buganda and
the federalists who are asking the Head of State for Federalism.

Under normal circumstances, Buganda would be negotiating with Bunyoro or
Busoga or any of those other entities to see if they can form a unity by
recognising them selves and then they would take that proposal to Museveni
as a head of state. Then Museveni through his cabinet would decide whether
to accept or not. But Buganda did not do that, instead Buganda went straight
to the head of State and by passed all other units in the country. In fact
Buganda not only undermined those unites but among her requests, Buganda
wants even to take Kampala the capital of Uganda from the rest of the units.
Although Buganda knows that Kampala was built on taxes from the rest of
Uganda, she does not want or did not even bother to ask the rest of Uganda
if her requests are possible. Buganda decided to use NRM to by pass all
legal systems and turn Uganda into a federal system, that is why I said from
day one that Mwaami Kibuuka is doing more damage to Buganda than many of you
dared to think.

Uganda is going to get federalism but it will be a new one on the block. A
democracy where Buganda negotiates with the central government for the
splitting up of our nation, without any negotiation with any other unit in

That is how you guy's ignorance has destroyed our nation and you should be
proud of your selves.


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.

> Mr. Mulindwa,
>                  You started your argument well but you sturbonely refused
> to apply your federal knowledge to Uganda's situation. When the President
> ruling party wants to negotiate an issue, he should not start by
> specifically ruling out the BASIC FUNDAMENTALS of the negotiation. In
> words NRM cannot say "come and negotiate BUT NO TAX POWERS TO BE GIVEN
> the federo". Thats not how its done in developing civilized countries.
> secondly, the govt cannot close out the rest of Uganda when some of the
> other parts wants it also. This shows that there are some monkey tricks
> behind.
> You asked:
> ----------------------...................................................-
> For look at it this way, suppose Uganda
> >government agrees today and Buganda collects taxes, Kasese will ask for
> >Kilembe mines, and Jinja will ask for rights on River Nile. How will the
> >central government run Uganda as a state?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>             Look at Canada where you reside. Over 50% of Canadian economy
> in Ontario. Alberta is the sole producer and exporter of oil in Canada. Do
> you want to tell us that the rest of the provinces are so poor because the
> federal govt gives tax powers to provinces? Do you want to say that the
> federal govt does not get enough from Ontario and Alberta to distribute to
> the "have not" because of tax powers?
> Mr. Mulindwa, the federal govt collects 7% GST from all provinces.
> Provincial govt have powers to levy their own taxes.e.g Ontario has 8%
> Provincial Sales Tax ( PST), Eastern provinces have the highest PST and
> Alberta does not charge PST at all yet it has the strongest economy in
> Canada. Many businesses run away from Eastern provinces and relocated to
> Alberta because of 0% PST and other taxes. Federal govt charges from 17%
> I.Tax above $7,400 p.a on individuals. Some provinces add on their own
> e.g Ontario adds on 49% of the Federal Tax. Others like quebec add on
> % and Alberta adds on the lowest. In otherwords let the Uganda govt give
> federal states tax powers, demand and supplies will work out the rest.
> does not remove the tax powers and the ability to reallocate funds from
> "have" to the "have not" from the central govt.
> J. Ssenyange
> --------------------------------------
> : "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.  Date: Sun,
> >Aug 2003 11:40:57 -0400
> >
> >Lisa
> >
> >There is as well another problem in this whole 'negotiation'  Many
> >I
> >have seen which turn into Federal nations it happens through negotiation
> >not
> >instructions, and Senyange with the rest of them are missing that very
> >vital
> >part.
> >
> >For argument sake let us say that Museveni is a serious man who one can
> >into such discussion with, and let us say that Buganda wants Federalism
> >the whole of  Uganda. The highest man in this whole matter is Museveni
> >not Buganda. Museveni with his government decides what kind of federalism
> >they are capable to deliver, they decide what powers they can offer or
> >refuse, that is why you see that when you look on federal countries they
> >are
> >all running differently. Nations like Canada, are still negotiating with
> >the
> >provinces on what to take and what to leave. Toronto as a city has just
> >been
> >down loaded with services like roads, Public transportation and so on,
> >Quebec in the meantime runs her own immigration yet other provinces do
> >So in essence the negotiations must be continuous. You get more and more
> >you are demonstrating your ability to run the little powers given to you.
> >
> >Let us not forget that Uganda government must always have the keeping of
> >Uganda as a state as priority one, that is how services can be delivered
> >all Ugandans equally. So in so doing the same government must keep the
> >resources which it sees fit to help her reach that goal. And in saying so
> >Uganda government has every right to see that Buganda is the main tax
> >source
> >to finance her running of the nation. The government can not turn around
> >and
> >give its tax base to Buganda that is just impossible.
> >
> >So if Buganda comes to Uganda government and asks for federalism, that
> >request must stop there, if NRm today agrees to deliver it, then you can
> >start to discuss what the government is willing to offer and not to
> >Buganda there fore can not ask for federalism and turn around and state
> >that
> >with out taxation rights we do not want federalism. That is pure
> >which has been rampant in Buganda all along, and which must stop if
> >will play a part in Uganda politics. For look at it this way, suppose
> >Uganda
> >government agrees today and Buganda collects taxes, Kasese will ask for
> >Kilembe mines, and Jinja will ask for rights on River Nile. How will the
> >central government run Uganda as a state?
> >
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