----- Original Message -----
From: emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.

> Let's not trivialise such an issue by resorting to tribalism.....remember
> that Obote and Amin were once presidents of Uganda and they never gave
> federalism a thought, and gauging from their policies, i think they were
> against federalism. Buganda and for that matter any region in Uganda has a
> right to make demands for federalism. The constitution of Uganda is not
> suspended, irrespective of the unfortunate situation in the North of the
> country, being caused by the LRA terrorists.
> >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.
> >Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:02:27 -0400
> >
> >Mwaami Musaazi
> >
> >So you want them to take the time while in IDP Camps and write what they
> >want from federalism. Do you really think that getting federalism is any
> >where on the list of all most three quarters of Ugandans who have never
> >peace since you guys started to sleep?
> >
> >Em
> >
> >             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> >             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 11:37 AM
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.
> >
> >
> > > ..but i think over and above everything else is the fact that the
> >of
> > > the baganda for federalism is facilitating a debate and an important
> >at
> > > that. Federalism is the way to go particularly for a country like
> > > where there is a lot of uneven development country-wide. What shape it
> > > eventualy takes, i think will be a matter of negotiations mainly
> >the
> > > units and government. Right now it appears one sided because the other
> >units
> > > are yet to appreciate the long term benefits of federalisms, they are
> > > letting there reactions to federalism be dictated by the baganda,
> >instead
> >of
> > > coming up with their own demands that benefit their regions under such
> > > system. They are failing to realise that as long as buganda is the
> > > region asking for federalism, then it is more likely to get most of
> > > demands through than if there were several units making demands, in
> >which
> > > case compromises would have to be made.
> > >
> > >
> > > >From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.
> > > >Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 18:11:47 -0400
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Mr. Mulindwa,
> > > >
> > > >                 You started your argument well but you sturbonely
> >refused
> > > >to apply your federal knowledge to Uganda's situation. When the
> >President
> > > >or ruling party wants to negotiate an issue, he should not start by
> > > >specifically ruling out the BASIC FUNDAMENTALS of the negotiation. In
> >other
> > > >words NRM cannot say "come and negotiate BUT NO TAX POWERS TO BE
> > > >under the federo". Thats not how its done in developing civilized
> > > >countries. secondly, the govt cannot close out the rest of Uganda
> >some
> > > >of the other parts wants it also. This shows that there are some
> > > >tricks behind.
> > > >
> > > >You asked:
> > >
> >
> > > >For look at it this way, suppose Uganda
> > > >>government agrees today and Buganda collects taxes, Kasese will ask
> >for
> > > >>Kilembe mines, and Jinja will ask for rights on River Nile. How will
> >the
> > > >>central government run Uganda as a state?
> > >
> >
> >------------
> > > >            Look at Canada where you reside. Over 50% of Canadian
> >economy
> > > >is in Ontario. Alberta is the sole producer and exporter of oil in
> >Canada.
> > > >Do you want to tell us that the rest of the provinces are so poor
> >because
> > > >the federal govt gives tax powers to provinces? Do you want to say
> >the
> > > >federal govt does not get enough from Ontario and Alberta to
> >to
> > > >the "have not" because of tax powers?
> > > >
> > > >Mr. Mulindwa, the federal govt collects 7% GST from all provinces.
> > > >Provincial govt have powers to levy their own taxes.e.g Ontario has
> > > >Provincial Sales Tax ( PST), Eastern provinces have the highest PST
> > > >Alberta does not charge PST at all yet it has the strongest economy
> > > >Canada. Many businesses run away from Eastern provinces and relocated
> >to
> > > >Alberta because of 0% PST and other taxes. Federal govt charges from
> >17%
> > > >I.Tax above $7,400 p.a on individuals. Some provinces add on their
> > > >I.Tax e.g Ontario adds on 49% of the Federal Tax. Others like quebec
> >add
> >on
> > > >higher % and Alberta adds on the lowest. In otherwords let the Uganda
> >govt
> > > >give federal states tax powers, demand and supplies will work out the
> >rest.
> > > >That does not remove the tax powers and the ability to reallocate
> > > >from the "have" to the "have not" from the central govt.
> > > >
> > > >J. Ssenyange
> > > >--------------------------------------
> > > >: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >>Subject: ugnet_: NRM's Federo has been rejected by Baganda.  Date:
> >Sun,
> >24
> > > >>Aug 2003 11:40:57 -0400
> > > >>
> > > >>Lisa
> > > >>
> > > >>There is as well another problem in this whole 'negotiation'  Many
> >nations
> > > >>I
> > > >>have seen which turn into Federal nations it happens through
> >negotiation
> > > >>not
> > > >>instructions, and Senyange with the rest of them are missing that
> > > >>vital
> > > >>part.
> > > >>
> > > >>For argument sake let us say that Museveni is a serious man who one
> >can
> >go
> > > >>into such discussion with, and let us say that Buganda wants
> >Federalism
> > > >>for
> > > >>the whole of  Uganda. The highest man in this whole matter is
> >and
> > > >>not Buganda. Museveni with his government decides what kind of
> >federalism
> > > >>they are capable to deliver, they decide what powers they can offer
> > > >>refuse, that is why you see that when you look on federal countries
> >they
> > > >>are
> > > >>all running differently. Nations like Canada, are still negotiating
> >with
> > > >>the
> > > >>provinces on what to take and what to leave. Toronto as a city has
> >just
> > > >>been
> > > >>down loaded with services like roads, Public transportation and so
> > > >>Quebec in the meantime runs her own immigration yet other provinces
> > > >>not.
> > > >>So in essence the negotiations must be continuous. You get more and
> >more
> > > >>as
> > > >>you are demonstrating your ability to run the little powers given to
> >you.
> > > >>
> > > >>Let us not forget that Uganda government must always have the
> >of
> > > >>Uganda as a state as priority one, that is how services can be
> >delivered
> > > >>to
> > > >>all Ugandans equally. So in so doing the same government must keep
> > > >>resources which it sees fit to help her reach that goal. And in
> >so
> > > >>Uganda government has every right to see that Buganda is the main
> > > >>source
> > > >>to finance her running of the nation. The government can not turn
> >around
> > > >>and
> > > >>give its tax base to Buganda that is just impossible.
> > > >>
> > > >>So if Buganda comes to Uganda government and asks for federalism,
> > > >>request must stop there, if NRm today agrees to deliver it, then you
> >can
> > > >>start to discuss what the government is willing to offer and not to
> >offer.
> > > >>Buganda there fore can not ask for federalism and turn around and
> >state
> > > >>that
> > > >>with out taxation rights we do not want federalism. That is pure
> >ignorance
> > > >>which has been rampant in Buganda all along, and which must stop if
> > > >>Buganda
> > > >>will play a part in Uganda politics. For look at it this way,
> > > >>Uganda
> > > >>government agrees today and Buganda collects taxes, Kasese will ask
> >for
> > > >>Kilembe mines, and Jinja will ask for rights on River Nile. How will
> >the
> > > >>central government run Uganda as a state?
> > > >>
> > > >
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