Title: Unfortunately, Matek, art and science of this crisis (NOT WAR) are that of "walking a tight rope" character

Unfortunately, Matek, art and science of this TRAGEDY (NOT WAR) are that of "walking a tight rope" character. And, more sadly so, it is permeated with PARTY political biasing.


The situation is that Their Satanic Vampires are not fighting the NRM. Must you always refuse to see situations from the sufferer’s point of view, how stubborn can a human being be, actually?! Who feels it knows it!


 Why do you not come with something new? Something tenable? This one (”… Let the NRM/UPDF/ NRA fight its wars...”), is not good enough! It is the same old proven shit from 1986; what you are suggesting, is what my people have been doing for the last 17 (!!!!!) years.


Faced with the reality of un provided security, secularization, sufferance, destitution, annihilation, they are just saying they won’t be doomsday bound.


I do not know if you have ever been fighting or fought in your childhood (I have never been the cruel type neither), but I do not recall that in the course of FIGHTING / wrestling with OPONENTS we did banged some passer-by or anyone else’s face and bragged that we have fought our opponent. Is that what you call fighting?


Matek, you are a politician and a member of the UPCs so called PPC. We commonality depend on your sense of balance, epoch-making mood and leadership. You are not supposed to come with void sweeping statements at critical times like this.




1)    THE LRAs INTENSIFIED BRUTALITY AND MAXIUM CRUELTY on innocent Ugandan commonality.


3)    UGANDAN WHO HAVE GUTTED UP TO SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and, who are conditioned by de facto state of affairs to act in defence of their brothers, sisters and their motherland.




How do we go about it? HOW DO WE FACE THIS REALITY?


That is what you politicians are supposed to be solving now. Not twiddling here and there. We are in a situation where the UPDF does not provide enough security guarantees for the “Upcountry populace” and the people NO LONGER want to be massacred passively.


So, if the Ugandan government (rd. NRM regime and the UPDF) refuses or fails to comply with the constitution of the country and, the LRA continues to kill defenceless civilians instead of fighting the UPDF, you (rd. the UPC) recommends that the people do nothing while simultaneously you POLITICIANS (UPC AND OTHER POLITICAL PARTIES) are doing nothing to halt the killings??


Why do you not provide a concise account of the alternative so that we commonality can see the tenability in it for my people to see that indeed the LRA will stop maiming and abducting innocent Acoli and start fighting the UPDF instead?


Assuming the situation is such that the UPDF does not want to fight. And that fight or no fight the regime will rule on (their mandate through). And the LRA is killing innocent people now. You as a politician, what is your advice to the people?

















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