J Ssemakula,

You conveniently exclude Museveni from your "list of butchers". Why?

From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: ugnet_: How Obote & Amin, Two of Africa's Most Brutal Killers, Co-Evolved
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 19:46:05 +0000

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Messrs. Dambisya, Kipenji, Y, and other UPC fans:

One Yoswa allegedly asked me to diversify my sources (i.e. quote someonelse other than Ibingira, for whom he failed to find no worthy rebuttal) before he engange in 'mental combat'.

Well, I did, and Yoswa is hiding under the bed!  Or rather, he is still hiding his head in the sand.

The fact is that the legacies of these two brutal savages, Obote and Amin, are intimately inter-twined. They each killed in excess of three hundred thousand  (300,000) Ugandans,  easily qualifying as the most ruthless and most blood-thirsty killers on the African continent in the last 200 years.

No amount of white-washing, spin-doctoring or revisionist apologia can alter that sad fact in any substantive manner. About the only 'issue' left to debate is which of these two butchered more people.


ps: as surely as night follows day, you can count on more reminders of the extent of the brutality of these two in their crimes against humanity, for, we must never forget!  In an effort to stem charges of  'bias', as far as possible, I'll continue to let other voices speak. I'll merely convey their message to this forum.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: How Obote & Amin, Two of Africa's Most Brutal Killers, Co-Evolved
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:49:45 +0000

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